lunglock [06 votes]
People's choice:
mata090680 [03 votes]
Mod's Choice
so_severus 1
[N = Negative votes & P = Positive votes]
01] -
phantom_phan06 - N = 5/P = 0
[x] "too dark...would look better if aragorn were lightened up."
[x] "aragorn needs to stand out more; maybe more light contrast"
[x] "The text overpowers the image of the icon."
[x] "The text overpowers the icon. All focus is drawn there, and Aragorn is too dark next to it."
[x] "the texture or coloring makes his face look too dark"
02] -
andemairar - N = 3/P = 0
[x] "oversharpened, especially the edges of the circle look pixelated and the icon could need some text to make it look less empty/black."
[x] "the circle seems too sharpened"
[x] "The outlying circle and the contrast of the black is distracting."
03] -
mata090680 - N = 1/P = 3
[x] "nice idea, though the picture is oversharpened and one can hardly read the text, for it's too tiny."
[x] Positive [No comment]
[x] Positive [No comment]
[x] Positive [No comment]
04] -
lunglock - N = 6/P = 2
[x] "cropping is awkward"
[x] "not enough contrasst/sharpness with Viggo"
[x] "the icon is blurry and the color is uninteresting"
[x] "nice cropping, but the picture could be sharpened a bit."
[x] "The coloring makes the icon look dull and washed out, and it's not working well for his skin."
[x] "The crop is off, makes his face look odd"
[x] "a very nice colouring, the icon looks soft and smooth ^_^"
[x] "Really nice cropping and colouring."
05] -
so_Severus - N = 0/P = 2
[x] "nice angling, great color on the icon, great use of light texture."
[x] Positive [No comment]
06] -
weasleyangel - N = 1/P = 1
[x] "the face is a bit too orange, perhaps a blue burn layer would have helped."
[x] "the coloring is great!"
Participants Status
The following people are still in the contest. If you're name is not in this list, it means you have been eliminated/disqualified.
andemaiargossymermata090680mesnicaphantom_phan06so_severusweasleysangel Thank you to all who participated in the challenge and voting.
A new challenge will be put up soon.