utkari02 [05 votes]
Please stick around for the special challenge and for voting! ♥
People's choice:
mata090680 [04 votes]
Mod's Choice
mesnica 1
[N = Negative votes & P = Positive votes]
01] -
mesnica - N = 0/P = 2
[x] "Nice contrast, use of texture and text."
[x] Positive [No comment]
02] -
so_severus - N = 0/P = 0
03] -
lunglock - N = 3/P = 1
[x] "The face could be lighter, and the overall feel of the icon is a bit too blue."
[x] "could use some more contrast"
[x] "The cropping is great, but the icon itself looks rather dull and pale. More contrast would've been great."
[x] "nice blue-ish colouring"
04] -
mata090680 - N = 0/P = 4
[x] "I love Aragorn in black and white behind, the éfet mist at the bottom of the icon is well balanced."
[x] "I like the colouring you achieved here, it fits the overall icon and the character. Also is the b/w Aragorn image inserted very well."
[x] "the coloring and just the overall picture is great!"
[x] Positive [No comment]
05] -
utkari02 - N = 5/P = 1
[x] "the icon is too full, one doesn't know where the focus is supposed to be. too much text."
[x] "too much text (perhaps use only part of the passage) makes the icon look cluttered."
[x] "Text not very visible, icons not sufficiently illuminate"
[x] "The crop with those circles and colouring looks quite dull also is the text too much. It looks like as if the text shall be the main focus of the icon, but as it's so small and everything in the same font you get tired reading it. A bigger text, not so long one and emphrazing some words would work better here."
[x] "there is just too much text and it overwhelms the icon, and the coloring is just not interesting"
[x] "Love the idea and composition."
Participants Status
The following people are still in the contest. If you're name is not in this list, it means you have been eliminated/disqualified.
andemaiargossymerlunglockmata090680mesnicaphantom_phan06so_severusweasleysangel Thank you to all who participated in the challenge and voting.
A new challenge will be put up soon.