Nov 07, 2004 21:21
Meatley: I will compile a list of things I hate
Meatley: Take notes
Alex: but you hate so much
Meatley: I hate: Minorities, that stringy stuff on bananas, Japanese, anime, snot, bowel movements, people who make sounds
Meatley: Hmmm
Meatley: People who cry, people who breathe, people who play with their hair, people who kiss, people who show affection, people who are lifeless husks with no opinions on anything, alcoholics, hippies, yuppies, puppies
Alex: hey that one was just about keith!
Meatley: People who dye their hair, muscicians, music, light, electricity, wood, gravity
Meatley: Lentals
Meatley: Chinks, japs, gooks, niggers, sand niggers, olive niggers, and huns
Meatley: Brits, yanks, canucks, aussies, stoners, skaters, preps, jocks, nerds, geeks gangstas, people who think cliques are important, people who are trendy, people who are anti-trendy, people who shop at hot-topic, people who spend more than $100 on clothes per two quater
Meatley: people who drink soda, people who don't brush their teeth, people who use the bathroom with the door open
Meatley: script kiddies, hackers, crackers, people who don't bathe, fat people, anorexics, wiccans, christians, muslims, buddhists, athiests, agnostics, diests, hindus, jews, pagans, people who have phobias, and blondes
Alex: wow
Meatley: Liberals, democrates, moderates, conservatives, republicans, hicks and/or rednecks, socialists, poor people, and blacks
Alex: you said black people in so many ways
Meatley: Shut up, you mic son of a drunk
Meatley: People with chronic ailments, retards, injured people, guys who shave their legs, guys, women
Meatley: People who think michael moore is amusing and/or accurate in his fact checking, michael moore, people who think it's trendy to hate George W. Bush, George W. Bush
Alex: al sharpton?
Meatley: The 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990s, people who say "Y2K", "New millenium", or "00's"
Meatley: Russians, Ukranians, Germans, Danes, Finns, Norweigans, Swiss, Swedish, French, Czhec, Iceland, Greenland, and any other "land"
Meatley: Pacifists, fat people, Dave McCarthy
Meatley: Star Trek Nerds, hairy people, people with too much facial hair, cave men, dabbas, ronnas, and any variation there of
Meatley: People who love war, people who trivialize the sacrifice of millions of lives by saying "WW2 is cool"
Meatley: John Forbes Kerry, John Kerry, Kerry, Anyone named "John", Anyone named "Kerry", and anyone who looks like lurch
Meatley: The internet, websites, the HTTP protocol, people who think they're 1337 hax0rz because they took a introductory VB class
Meatley: Lions, Tigers, Bears, any sports franchises using said animals, Ferrets, wallabees, and dogs
Alex: the end?
Meatley: Ha! Hardly!
Meatley: hmm
Meatley: Typing, speaking, thinking, moving, people who use "party" as a verb, and the practice of combining liqour and soda
Meatley: i think that might be it
Alex: oh
Meatley: oh yeah, did I mention blacks?
Alex: yes
Meatley: Also, add "blogs, web logs, live journals, dead journals, internet message boards, forums, usenet"
Meatley: Fags, gays, homos, punks, hos, sluts, whores, prostitutes, brothes, red light districts, blue light districts, guns, knives, feet, money, air currents
and i almost forgot to add this:
Meatley: So last night I sucked this girl's cock.