(no subject)

May 07, 2005 09:44

To get over with the usual stuff: Life still sucks.

I'll put the rest of this thing behind cuts to avoid uneccesary bloating of friends pages.

Now that thats done, why did I want to post this again? Oh right... Yes I'm still alive. Life's been more busy lately then one would guess it could get for a jobless guy. Well okay, the Federal Employment Office (Arbeitsamt) has been quite active lately, asking me to come for an appointment for this and that... (Two weeks ago I had to go there so they could tell me "Well, you could get an 1 Euro Job your're forced to do... but since you're an computer specialist... you probably won't." For the five minutes it took to tell me that they made me drive 30 minutes to the office and 30 minutes back home... not too much time wasted alltogether, but... Why couldn't they just tell me that on the phone or in a letter they could've sent me instead of that invitation? ::shrugs::

Oh well, my mobile phone's contract ran out last month and I decided to renew it, take a phone I could get cheaply from my provider and sell it again, so I could get myself one of the Sony-Ericsson P-Series (P800/P900)... so far so good, got a Nokia 6020 for 1 Euro, sold it on eBay for 150 Euro, then went to eBay and looked for phones... Now the P900 were starting at about 250 Euros, the P800 were at about 150 Euro so I looked out for them... I should have looked a bit more closely just on what I did bid, because... well I got a phone for 101 Euros, but it doesn't have a Headset and neither does it have a Memory Stick, which both were originally included with the phone. The description said "you get what's on the picture"... I seemingly missed that little sentence when I read the description before bidding.
To make things worse, the general state of the phone is quite... well, shaky to say the least... At first I couldn't even get it to charge.. until I found out the (non-original) cover's battery cover didn't have a small distance piece... took that one from the original cover (which was luckily sent along with the phone) and lo and behold, it was alive...
Barely, that is. Seems that the rechargeable batterypack I tried first isn't quite okay anymore, as it (after being charged to max capacity) held the phone alive for about 4 Minutes... Well, there was another one included... That one currently stays alive for about 2-4 hours when fully charged... I hope that those times will improve after charging the battery a few times and updating the phones firmware (which seems to be the first released with the phone) to something a bit more current.

Well, things I have noticed so far:
[X] The jogdial didn't work right... after some finetuning and removing some unecessary hotglue it now works fine
[ ] The cover doesn't really fit... Cheap plastic, and no cutout for the IRDA-Port. How dumb is that?
[ ] The Antenna seems to be starting to corrode.
[ ] The side-pins on the keypad / flip are missing, without them the flip doesn't work.
[ ] There's dust under the touchscreen. Dust-off (compressed air / gas) didn't help since the display / touchscreen seem to be one unit. Still, somehow the dust did get into there, so there must be a way to get it out.
[ ] The buzzer (the speaker for the ringtones, audio-playback and handsfree phoning) is a bit rattly... I'll have to either see if I can stip it from rattling or get a new one.

So all in all I got myself a 101 Euro-Puzzle, the additional parts will cost me between 40 and 70 Euros. Which is about the same as I'd usually have paid for the phone, but this way I can have some fun with it and I can be sure that those parts I put in there actually are new.

And now to something completely different:
Last weekend I was at the first pawpet rehearsal for the Eurofurence11 Pawpetshow. It was great to see the people again and it was great fun. We did have some stressful situation and at the end of the first actual rehearsal on the stage there were some quite tense moments... but the team is professional enough by now to ignore that kinda thing. All in all it was exausting but fun. From some of the others I heard that they were experiencing some forms of illness or tiredness on the day(s) after the rehearsal... Well, I didn't quite experience anything the like, but then again I'm "just" a stagehand and supporting pawpeteer, so I didn't have much to do. That might change up 'till EF11... and I won't mind if it does. ;>

Well, enough babbling from my side for today... maybe more later, maybe not, who knows.
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