It's the know of the end as we world it....

Aug 26, 2003 17:10

... or something like that... ;>

Well, actually, I'm back from Eurofurence in the Czech Republic.
The weather was nice, the location was great, the food okay and the electronic equipment was crap. We had a big tent (from an old wandering circus or so we guessed) as function space for stage and stage-events filled with the finest crap modern czechnology can provide. Meaning: The light and sound systems began to beep in the middle of the pawpetshow and just froze up, rebooting took about 15 Minutes, of 6 microphones (radio-mikes with headsets) we had 4 with broken transmitters and somewhere along the show at least two of the tents holding poles were carring a 230v current alont with the weight of the tent.

I'm gonna print a shirt:
Front: "Chaoscon 2003 (small: Eurofurence 9) - I survived..."
Back: "... and all I got was this lousy t-shirt."

But despite my involvement with pawpetshow and Leopardy I managed to talk to a few furs I haven't seen IRL in forever (as in: "I haven't seen them since last years EF").

There were a few interesting new fursuits this year, but the number of suit(er)s was just as low as I expected, since most of EFs regular suiters come from Germany and didn't want to bother transporting their suit that far (or just were unable to like me). Since there were so few suiters I didn't plan for any of the usual activities, but for next year be assured that there will be a fursuit lounge again, along with a costume contest and fursuit-badges. Unlike the last years I have allready begun working / preparing for those things. I allready have a showmaster for the costume contest and I allready got quotations for lanyards with these nice 'break away' openers, so you can still put them on after the head of the fursuit or over one-piece suits. Now I just gotta see that I get a fridge, a few fans, the necessary extra fields in the EF-regsys and a budget-slot...

Um, actually I think I better wait a bit with those last ones, until the dust of this EF has settled down and the people begin planning for next year...

Anyways, whoever reads this and thinks he might be able to make it to Germany: Keep next years August free, since that's when Eurofurence 10 will be... And that's also where Uncle Kage will be... again... ;>

Oh well, enough spam for today, or, to quote one of the propably biggest pholosophers of the milenium:
"Ddddats all folks!"

Aragon Tigerseye
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