Mar 31, 2003 22:30
... 'cause it's nearly over anyways. ;>
What a nice way to start the week... NOT! Woke up this about 20 Minutes later then usually and had to hurry, then slept in the bus (I usually do that) and missed my stop (that never happened before). After ariving at work and after pouring a few cups of coffee and a few more of tea (I can't stand more then three cups of cofee in a row, after that I want something that actually tastes good) I was still feeling rather tired, which is no wonder, realy, since I didn't sleep that well last night and having taken away an hour of sleep didn't help either (We changed to summer time last night).
Not a good start into the day, realy, but it soon got "better" since one of our customers kept sending me mails with notes about what to change on their webpage and they even called a few times... html- design is one of my weak points, and doing it under pressure? Won't realy work out... In the end I just swallowed my pride and used Frontpage (some other Idiot had used it on the pages before, so they were bloated with Frontpage crap anyways...).
On my way home, when my work-day finally was over, I did a quick stop in my favourite toy-shop and was rather surprised that they had Transformers Armada Sideways in stock again, so I finally got another Armada Transformer. For all of you who are wondering: the RID (Rodots in Disguise) toys are still in the shelves here, but the new Armada figures are comming in slowly as well. Good thing they never showed either series over here (and are, as far as I know at the moment, also not planning on showing either), or I'd propably have a much harder time to get the toys.
Back to Sideways, tho: He was packaged in Vehicle Mode and makes a realy realistic (well, as far as a toy can go) motorcycle with a nice futuristic touch. The tow Minicons packaged with him can be combined and the bigger bot can ride the cycle.
When transformed Sideways looks a lot like his series counterpart, even tho the Minicon-heads look a bit out of proportion, his "builtin" head fits a lot better then those.
As far was what I've seen from the Armada toys this one is one of my favourites, a close second to Megatron, with Demolishor on third and Smokescreen and Hotshot somewhere behind that... Yeesh, I can't wait to get my paws on Armada Optimus, what I've seen of him looks pretty cool. He isn't released before August here, tho.
Oh, and I'm still searching for RID's Grimlock, the green excavator.
That's all folks
P.S.:Before I forget it: Todays subject is a line from a song, whoever recognizes it, write a comment to this posting... Oh, and there will be quite a few quotes from songs in future topics, so watch out. ;>
P.P.S.: For all who didn't guess by now: Yes, I collect Transformers ;>