Jan 24, 2005 18:31
This morning, a brilliant mathematician whom I respect went up to the board at the end of this semester's first class and proved to me, casually and effortlessly, that I know absolutely nothing about math.
This was followed by my attending a humanities lecture about Ancient Rome, in which the professor discussed a person that nobody knows anything about.
Tonight, I have read the most brilliant and useful definition of religion I've ever seen, in a spectacularly well-written essay by Clifford Geertz.
I have also seen an actual, unsolvable, put your head in the meat grinder and scream paradox. I didn't think that they were real.
At least my math book immediately warned me;
"1.60 Warning.
Thinking too much about this sort of thing can be dangerous to your health.
'The poet and grammarian Philitas of Cos was even said to have died prematurely from exhaustion, owing to his desperate efforts to solve the paradox.'
Philitas was concerned about a different paradox, but Russell's paradox is probably more deadly."
My head hurts. I love this school.