Jun 11, 2016 15:12
Well, I'm stuck at the lab on a Saturday. Running the instrument since 8 am, and until 8 pm, analyses of 2 hours... So, I'm a tad little bored. So, a meme! Ganked from the usual suspects.
Name: Aragarna
Animal: Antelope
Girl's name: Emily
Color: Yellow
Movie: When the Game Stands Tall*
Something you wear: Linen shirt
Drink: Tea
Food: Abricot
Item in the bathroom: Towel
Place: London
Reason to be late: nine days in a row of 12 hour shifts the week before.
*Not that I've actually seen it, but hmm, I'm in a Jim Caviezel phase right now, so that's the first thing that popped into my mind...