Day 30 - Your least favorite movie.
There are so many films I don't like, it's hard to pick. And I tend to forget the movie I didn't like... But I do remember thinking of walking out of the theater when I went to see Les Herbes Folles. It's a French movie by Alain Resnais, which won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival in 2010. I had enjoyed some of Resnais's earlier films, it was starring two of my favorite French actors.... But oh boy.... It was boring and wasn't making any sense.
Another terrible movie I've seen (luckily I didn't pay for that one!) is Cool World. A wanabee Roger Rabbit with Gabriel Byrne, Brad Pitt and Kim Basinger, no less. Except it was ugly, boring and stupid.
Voilà. Done, finito, over. Thanks for playing and commenting! This was a lot of fun. I may adapt this to TV shows in the future.... Though I may post it all at once instead of once a day. Not sure what would feel less imposing for my flist.