Title: Lift Me Up
Song: Lift Me Up, by Moby
Vidder: Aragarna
Characters: Peter, Neal
Genre: angst, friendship, season related.
Clips used: season 4 and season 5.
Warning: season 5...
Summary: They went through hell and back, thought they'd ruined everything, and yet, in the end, they'll always be there for each other, lifting each other up, because their bond is stronger than their disagreements.
Author's Note: This was my original entry for the Caffrey-Burke day. This is an angsty song and the video focuses mainly on the angst from season 5 (and season 4). If you don't want to revisit it, feel free not to watch. I do think a true friendship is not agreeing about everything, but accepting not to agree, and still be friends in the end. Be there for each other when it matters. Which is exactly what Peter and Neal succeeded in.
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