DC to PC? Avengers and Thrones

May 23, 2012 12:50

1. OK, so we are on our way to work today and they do this story on the radio news regarding DC Comics revamping one of their hero's backstories...and having him 'come out of the closet'...  DC has yet to announce which character they have re-written.

I wasn't really sure whether to just be confused at their rewriting literary canon...or just laugh at such a misguided attempt at being politically correct.  Why should they have to 'change' a character?  I imagine plenty of gays/lesbians find DC Comics palatable just as they are. Maybe if they just add this in and don't change the character history it will go over just fine.

I guess this is why I am predominantly a Marvel girl.  
I expect we shall see something of a skit on this on "The Big Bang Theory" next season...and possibly on SNL.

2. On that same note....and I won't give spoilers....but have y'all seen "The Avengers"?
My youngest had his Kindergarten graduation (silly I know, but they do it down here for some reason) and as a treat we took both kiddos to see the movie after school.  I had been told by numerous people at work that the show was: awesome, fantastic, brilliant, great fun, etc... So, we were expecting decent entertainment, but we never expected it to live up to the hype. After all....Thor was ok, but not wonderful; Green Lantern was, as quoted on Big Bang, "120 minutes of wrong"; Hulk was terrible. The only one that I enjoyed thoroughly was Iron Man.
It came as a shock to my husband and I that the movie very much lived up to the hype.
Joss Whedon managed to have fun snarky commentary betwixt characters, moving moments, fabulous fight scenes, CGI explosions...plus he managed to put all of the Avengers together and no one seemed to overshadow the other...they all appeared to have a balance of screen time and good lines.
It was obvious that Joss Whedon is a fan of the comic series and knows the characters and their foibles...in short...they let the ultimate geek write fab fan fic... HA    (seems like we have had a bit of that awesomeness going on recently...ie Castle)

3. Totally switching gears to another love of ours (ok just me and hubby...kids not allowed to watch!) Game of Thrones!
I read the first few books back when they came out in 97 and 99 and loved them...I was also reading another weighty fantasy series by Robert Jordan and have not made my way back to the Song of Ice and Fire to catch up.
I was more than ready to give this HBO series a chance, since I knew Martin was a detailed character driven writer...I have not been disappointed. It is not for the feint of heart if you can't handle nudity, violence on par with Braveheart, and some shocking curse words thrown in at times, but looking past any of that, the writers have maintained the course of the novels as written by Martin.
The show is fierce and fabulous and gritty.
It has a large cast of characters, but you end up being fascinated by all of them. We can't wait to see what each one is going to do next or how that is going to affect someone else. I've never had an hour of TV go by so quickly and so dramatically every single week. We blink every time they go to the credits...we can't quite believe the show is over.
So, if you have not given this a chance...it is out on DVD at Netflix...great summer stuff to watch.

game of thrones, avengers

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