I Am Watching TV in Our Living Room

Feb 07, 2009 14:29

Ashley: Is that Obama? Why is he on so often in our apartment? It's like the next step of Facebook ESP.
me: Yes, Barack Obama would be the voice of the Facebook news feed.
Ashley: "Six of your friends have just updated their profile pictures."
me: That would be even more important than an alien attack.
Ashley: That could be how he mobilizes everyone!
me: "Everyone in the group '1,000,000 Strong for Stephen Colbert', I need you to attack them from their left flank."
Ashley: "If you are a member of 'If 5000 people join this group, my girlfriend will give me a blow job', you're needed to help people evacuate."

10 minutes later, after Ashley is done blow-drying her hair

Ashley: You know what I was thinking of as I was doing my hair? Would it be Obama doing the news feed, or would it be the President? I mean, would the voice change every four years?
me: I'm glad you're taking this so seriously.

If this were a movie, Will Smith would play Obama and Jake Gyllenhall would play the guy who started the group 'If 5000 people join this group, my girlfriend will give me a blow job'. Come on, I would so watch this movie.

roomie, politics are for lolz, random quote of the day, actual real conversations

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