Sep 02, 2005 12:59
I have a feeling of uneasiness today. It's as if I'm very worried about something but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Deadlines? Sure... But not quite.
This stupid cold that started yesterday? Nah...
World catastrophes? Well, yes... but not enough to really upset my stomach.
Lack of time? Metaphorical shortage of breath? Getting close...
I'm thinking about weird things, making up absurd plans... I need to have a long talk to someone. Highlander? Not just hug him when I come home, not just have dinner with him telling my daily adventures. I miss long pseudo-philosophical chats. Or just silly ones.
I think I miss being a teenager today.
There is so much happening at the same time! I envy my twelve year old sister so much!
I want to escape to faerie land where time does not matter...
I think I'll have lunch at the beach to see if I can scare the gloomy thoughts away. In the sun everything looks better.
Meanwhile, my friend V, just phoned me to ask me to dinner and order me a CD cover for his new project. Jut what I needed, more work! *laughs* These kind of work I don't mind...
Pretty soon I'll own the monopoly of portuguese underground metal artworks!
And to think that Portugal's Nº1 selling band at the moment (and all through this summer) is my doing too!
Seriously, how do you tell a hairy metal guy that their cover was made by the same person that made a boys band cover? LOL