in Scartaris Ego

Apr 29, 2005 12:16

I was very sick two nights ago and I couldn't sleep so I stayed home yesterday to recover.
I was very sleepy, in pain and really angry because the nausea kept me from being in bed and I so wanted to close my eyes and sleep.

I was so bad that I started having verbal hallucinations. That's right, a special kind of hallucinations I invented... When I have a fever, or something like that, I tend to have lucid dreams where I repeat a sentence or a word who gets blown out of proportion. It grows, it shrinks, it swallows me, It floats around me, It rolls in my head... It's exhausting and crazy, I tell you!

The sentence that bothered me that night was the most peculiar of all! Once I had one of this experiences with a verse from a Cradle of Filth song : "The most august sorceress of Hades darkly seized for me a throne...." and I thought that was weird enough!
But this time it went: "In Sneffels Yoculis craterem kem delibat umbra Scartaris Julii intra calendas descende..."

Holy Shit! I don´t even speak that much latin... and, as some of you might know, this is from the Journey to the Center of the Earth, by Jules Verne, which I finished reading this week. I must have been impressed by it. The word Scartaris was particularly appealing! But repeting the whole phrase over and over almost felt like saying a mass in latin... or a prayer... That plus a monster nausea... It fits, I should say!

So I just concluded: When I am delirious I dream about the underworld... Hades - Jules Verne... aahhhhh! This has to mean something! Everytime I am in pain I think of Hell? *laughs*
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