(no subject)

Sep 06, 2005 01:45

I really wonder sometimes how your life can change in a split second. I go in to sign my DD214 pretty soon, and I'll have a place of my own, I'll have two female roomates both of them in sqadron vs-30 I think, hell I dunno, vs-24 just left on cruise, so I'm lonely with some of my friends gone. paul and I are in a wierd place, still friends ,but both of us are 'single' so it's kinda wierd every once in a while..
oh well. C'est la vie. I'm gonna go out and visit him soon, so that will be one interesting thing I think, I'm starvin to death, and I drank waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy too much this weekend, it was just a normal weekend out here at the barracks.. drunkin monkeys all around, people leavin to go fuck, comin back to smoke, and all of us knowin everyone's buisness. it's the official melrose place of the navy.. it's damn near the equivelent of being overseas, it's kinda funny. no comment on MY adventures though. (wink wink)
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