Nagyon meleg vagyok!

Jan 09, 2008 21:23

The title of this post means "I am very gay!" in Hungarian. Except meleg also means hot. For example, if you want to say Africa is hot you say "Afrika nagyon meleg." People trying to learn Hungarian often make this mistake. If you ever go to Hungary, make sure not to say 'meleg' when you are feeling overheated. If the room is hot, it's ok to use it though.

I am back at work. I have learned that if you keep repeating requests to children/use positive statements they will usually become compliant. I read a bunch of stuff on classroom management etc. over the break and it is working fairly well so far. We will see. I am getting better at my job now. I would like to get a master's degree in education. At first I was hesitant because it is the same as my mom's Master's, and I always wanted a flashy job so I could show people up. But I like teaching and it is probably more worth it to like your job than to be able to feel superior to others. Also, I already went to college early and managed to sufficiently live out my horrible 8th grade fantasies where I was way awesome, so I think I am over that.

It is difficult for me to feel like an adult even though I pay my gas bill on time and go to bed at 10pm. Maybe it is because I am 20 and nobody else believes I am an adult either. Soon I will be aged looking and people will consider me grown. Reading about human development disturbs me because I do not feel totally developed. Perhaps I am not, I don't know because I do not bother to focus on adolescents and young adults since there are no students over 7 at the kindergarten. I think I am supposed to use adult thought processes at this point, however.

My Hungarian still sucks. I am starting classes again next week. I have learned a lot of nice curse words though, which comes in handy at work. The children do not understand why I know when they are saying "Screw this" but not when they are saying things like "I need the scissors." Some of them are mistaken and think I know Hungarian because of this amazing naughty language detecting power. They insist I must speak Hungarian because I caught them cursing. I find this hilarious.

I have a freaky mole, so I have to get all my moles checked out soon. Hopefully it is nothing. If it is something then they will cut big chunks of my skin off etc. I am vain, so it is good this particular mole is on my arm. Mark mocks me for putting on sunblock everyday, but now I am feeling dumb for not putting it on my arms, only my face and neck.
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