Waa Aah Aaaaah!

Jan 04, 2008 19:56

Having not posted anything in about 3 million years (or just over a year anyway!), I thought I really should do an update.

December was good- a chaotic family Christmas, with me keeping up as much childish behaviour as my niece and nephew! Way too much food, so it's a good job I got a Wii. Let's face it, it's the only way I'm going to be stepping foot on a tennis court anytime soon!

Spent New Years Eve at a friends house for a small, but perfectly formed party.

I now have a couple of weeks of relative calm, before all hell breaks loose. I'm off to Sweden in a couple of weeks for a birthday break with 5threplicant, then as soon as we get back we are moving to a new flat on the same weekend as our big birthday bash at the Hellfire Club! So, February will be spent being very lazy I think :oD

Toodooloo! See anyone who's going at Sin on Saturday!
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