Who's in There? (Preface to "Just Say No")

Mar 20, 2007 21:13

Disclaimer: not mine.
Rated: G


"That's a fat girl's name."


"Aw, baby. It's pretty an' all, but th' girl's gonna know right quick her pa ain't so bright - at least make it somethin' I can spell!"

River took a breath, silently thanked her lucky stars Jayne hadn't agreed to either suggestion, and proferred her secret favorite: "Tam."

"Huh? Where?" Jayne looked over his shoulder for Simon.

"No, Jayne. I want to call her Tam. Tam Cobb."

"Why the hell you wanna do that?"

"So that something positive is associated with the name 'Tam.' I would like to have a reason to smile for a change when I hear it."

Jayne considered for a moment.

"C'n I call her Tammy?"

"Of course. Are you sure you're okay with using my family name for her first name?"

"Well, yeah. That's what they do back home. How did ya think I wound up with 'Jayne?' At least your last name weren't somethin' like Lipschitz or whatever."
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