i hate my cd player.
it skips and halts in the middle of songs. it's next to impossible to listen to. in order to make it work right, you need the absolute highest quality cd-roms. i don't think it likes cd-rw's much in general. you have to burn the cd on the absolute slowest speed available. 1x is preferable. it's a bitch to do, and takes for ever. it's been having more and more problems reading cd's. every company now makes them so cheaply -- because it most cases, it doesn't matter. cd-rom drives aren't overly sensitive like this pos is. so i figure i'll install the newer korean firmware. remember that cd reading problem i mentioned? guess what happens if it messes up during a firmware install? ...it's now a paperweight.
i hate my cd-burner.
it doesn't even work at 1x. and it's been crapping out on me. and i hate, hate, hate burning cd's for that crappy thing. i have to do it all over, just to add a song. (yeah, that direct cd thing? it doesn't like that either)
i hate my computer.
it's slow, and dying, and filling up. i need a new one, which i might get soon thanks to a big paycheck and an income tax return. i hope.
i hate my isp.
it never works when i need it to. have something important to do online? it dies. having an important conversation over im? it cuts out. need to email a term paper by a certain time? think again. need to bid on something on ebay before it runs out? too bad, buddy. i figured i'd try to snipe the mp3 player i want off ebay. i'd buy it from the company, but they don't make it anymore. just the new and improved model -- with a screen on the body. extra size, extra features. my isp kicks back in about 20 minutes after the auction finishes. thanks, adelphia.
i might just get the new model anyways. the remote's extra, but it comes in a 30 gig variety, and it's black. compare the
old model to the
new model. actually, this is the
new model of the same line, but it's even worse looking.