the long-promised massive update

Nov 04, 2005 22:44

hurricane wilma
wilma, a category 2 at the time, hit us with unexpected ferocity. we were without news access for a while, and asleep when it hit, so we didn't really know what was going to happen. in a strange turn of events, it took the incredibly improbably average projected path, and cut across this county diagonally from the southwest corner to the northeast corner.

wilma's eye was huge when it was off naples, and it must have been just as huge when it hit us. although we're at the other end of county from where the center passed over, the eye did pass over us. they say the second half of the storm was the worst, but i don't agree.

surveying the damage
phyllis and paul stayed with us for the hurricane because they live in a trailer. to be honest, i thought our roof was going to disappear at one point, with all of the noise the wind was making under the edges. through the shutters, we watched two fence pannels collapse. when the wind died down, we went outside. our mango tree toppled in the storm, and underneath its roots was a nice new spring: our water main. one of the golden rain trees in the front fell over too.

the eye of a hurricane is a curious experience. the air is calm, and the sky is smooth, like smeared charcoal. and you stop and think about it, and you realize your standing in the center of this huge storm system, swirling around you.

we had no new damage after the second half of wilma passed. phyllis and paul and i walked around the neighborhood a bit. pretty much every big ficus and banyan tree came down. they pulled up sod like blankets, broke curbs, pulled down and even broke telephone poles, fell in the road... but miraculously missed houses. one pine tree snapped in two and crushed someone's porch, blockign them in and just barely knicking their car, but that was the worst.

life without water
sucks. it takes a full bucket of water to flush a toilet. the rain and our new spring provided that for a while, until the water people clamped it. there was also suprisingly little rain in this hurricane. i mean, next to nothing. normally, our backyard floods. the boil-water order is also a pain, and is still on to my knowledge.

life without electricity
really wasn't very bad. when wilma left, she sucked in a cold front. it was pretty chilly for a while. after the water was fixed, we were pretty happy. we were even thankful for cold showers. we ended up barbequing nearly every night. i've never eaten so well. the first night or two, before people fired up their generators, it was wonderfully dark here. you could so very many stars. eamon dropped by, and hung out. we mixed girly-drinks (hurricanes felt appropriate). we made mom drink, to shut her up. it worked. i'll have to remember that one. daniel calmed down too. brother - school - video games = tolerable.

sleeping wasn't so bad. the cool air made this whole ordeal tolerable. frances last year was a nightmare. but we barely even needed the a/c this time. i actually got into a rythm of going to be at dark and waking up early. felt kinda good too.

more damage
p+p went home the next morning. their neighbor was very damaged-looking, but fundamentally ok. trailers lost a lot of skirting, siding, roofing, and sheds, but stayed together. except for one, that just plain disappeared. all the stuff was right where it was in the house, but the house was gone.

the roads were (and still are) insane. people don't understand right of way, and four-way stops, and that flashing yellows are not four-way stops. the first day, most of the lights were physically in teh road. many signs were phyisically twisted around. driving the first day was like a collision course. it still is to some degree, though it gets better every day.

the mazda dealership, all glass, imploded. we got pictures. we just saw the marina south of here today. it collapsed. made the news. boca, boynton and delray LOOKED demolished, but was mostly just trees and shingles and such.

even more damage
right after the hurricane, four or five haitians in a pickup truck came by and scalped my parents. they offered to cut up our downed trees. they said they'd cut up the branches, and haul them all of ten feet to the curb, but leave the root. my parents bargained them down to 450. i told them "no, it's too much money" but my parents agreed to it anyways. then, when they didn't remove the roots, and did the total of 5 minutes worth of work, my parents flipped out.

my parents think i'm one of those know-it-all teenagers. i don't know it all, but i sure end up saying "i told you so" a heck of a lot.

the city water and neighbors removed the stump later -- for free.

on the weekend, i had to go to adam's wedding, up at disney. my mom needed the car for no apparent reason, so i didn't get to drive. veronica drove. mostly, it was good to be able to take a hot shower, and stay in the a/c, and watch tv.

why was there such a gas crisis? what did these people need it for? it's like everyone went insane for a week. on the way up to orlando, every single gas station of the turnpike was backed up onto the highway. even the one right before the exit. no lines at any gas station in kissimmee though.

the wedding
so we got there with a few hours to spare. i wrapped my present, twice, because it broke the first time. odd square shapes with points don't go well with thin wrapping paper. the paper i found matched the invitation, and so did the card: cinderella. hey, they asked for it. i really should have gotten bed bath and beyond to wrap it for me.

veronica crashed the car on the way out of the parking space. exact same thing i did. there was all of a smudge on the other car, but her bumper had a nice huge dent in the corner. she left a note, but they never called.

we got lost on the way to wedding, of course. we came into disney at the main gate, under the magic kingdom signs, and asked the booth guy how to get the wedding pavilion. it involved crossing about 12 lanes of traffic, and following a truck. the wrong truck, apparently. after we too kthe wrong fork, we were supposed to take a left at the first light. which had no left. so tried right. which wasn't right. so we tried the second right, which was somewhere else.

we got there just in time, really. it was a small ceremony. som catholic stuff (amanda) and some jewish stuff (adam). maybe 20 people in the room. sat with abra, eamon was groomsmaid (or whatever). tried to get some pictures, but the photographers were perpetually in the way. it was a really pretty place, and a nice ceremony. very un-disney. no mouse ears.

the reception
had an open bar. of course, veronica likes the drink, so...

also, the food sucked. i'm sorry. formal buffets always have the worst food. and the electric slide (BOTH parts) need to be destroyed from human memory. but i got some good pictures, amanda dancing with her father, the first dance, cutting the cake, etc. didn't have enough high speed film to get all the stuff, though. ah well.

mickey and minney crashed the party of course. they danced with the newlyweds a bit. amanda apparenly is a cast member who plays mickey, and you could totally tell that she knew who was in the suit, and understood all of the hand gestures they used. weird.

also, karaoke was funny. the girls were really into, the guys... not so much. except for this one guy. the bride and the bridesmaids wanted to do "loveshack" by the b52's. i didn't even realize the guy's part wasn't just a backing vocal on the track until i saw him singing. dude sounded exactly like that guy. eamon was thoroughly impressed.

however, i'm still dj'ing or at least picking the music for my own wedding. if i've found the right girl, she'll understand. otherwise, she won't be the right girl.

the "bachelor party" and the "honeymoon"
i feel a bit bad for adam. the bachelor party, from what i hear, consisted of him and his fiance and a few others going to pleasure island or downtown disney or one of those places, and getting kicked out because amanda had something to drink from a 21 year old's cup. they apparently threatened her job, and her wedding.

not cool.

the night after the wedding, apparently they shared a room with adam's parents (or something) and then had to get up way early to tour disney. also not cool. i'm still never going to disney again. i think i've said that every time i've ever been.

the whole time i was there, veronica kept telling me to cheer up. i hate weddings. i hate dress clothes that i spent a lot of money on. i hate dancing. i hate buffets. i mean, i'm happy for adam and amanda, but goddamn.

should i stay or should i go?
we met eamon and abra for lunch the next day. i thought about going home with them, but veronica convinced me to stay. we went and met a friend of hers, ryan, who lived in orlando. he's basically me in 5-10 years. slightly overweight, goatee, paints somewhat decently, art-faggy, and dresses sets for big movies.

he wanted to take us to two music shows -- something called rockabilly. it's like old "real" country and 50's rock, or something. more on that later. killing time before the show, he wanted to fidn a cd. so we went to a record store.

a record store.

i about came in my pants. i found a bunch of stuff i'd been looking for. rounded out my nin collection with the new album, one of the 9" singles, and an older single i was missing. found the cure's disintegration, massive attacks mezanine, the clockwork orange soundtrack....

and record alanna's father played on. reprint, of course. but it's still cool to have. i dropped about 200 bucks, all told. it's my one vice. ryan and v. commented on how i don't drink, smoke, dance, do drugs, party, etc... what do i do? i buy records. it's safer and less expensive than heroin.

we went to another store, and i found the mark romanek dvd (mmm) and one of the new nin dj singles. and they were small enough and indie enough to still have LOTS of their original pre-order nin albums. the ones that come with the free 7" that's worth like 50 bucks or so now. so i bought the album, and gave it too ryan, and kept the 7". but if i'd known phyllis didn't have the cd, i would have given it to her.

then we went for vietnamese.

rednecks with electric guitars. one night we say deke dickerson, and this band called skinny mcgee and his mayhem makers opened. no drums, just upright bass, acoustic and electric guitars, and sometimes some seriously hendrixian harmonica skills. quite a show, really. they opened the next night too, for th' legendary shack shakers. they were, uh. let me think about this. one part weird al, three parts sex pistols, one part johnny cash, and one part stray cats. and boy did they shake that shack. couldn't hear a damned thing, especially not the vocals.

i bought their lp after the show. it's... different. better maybe. someone also left their skinny mcgee cd. so i took it.

i wish i had more tmax3200. i could have gotten so many good pictures.

and this is the story of why i don't drink. afterwards, we went to another bar. more of aprty bar. lots of halloween costumes around, but that was the case at the other bar too. veronica kept drinking, and so did ryan. i stood around. i think i went to high school with this girl... and wow trashy costumes are awesome. they occasionally got me drink something, but i'm not really into it. then they started making out. then they disappeared. then the bar closed, and we went home. and extra hour, because of daylight savings time, too. my clothes stunk. i had to febreeze my shoes once i got home.

anyways. veronica convinced me she was sober enough to drive, so i let her. i shouldn't have. i really wish i had the car this weekend. we went to ryan's house. and stayed there. veronica taught him how to swing dance a little, and proceeded to act more and more drunk (minus the alcohol). i slept on his couch. that's all i have to say about that.

anyhow. earlier that day, we got see the escher show at the orlando museum of art. almost made it worthwhile. the real prints look much, much better than reproductions. i was a little disappointed that they didn't have some of my favourites, but they had a lot anyways. i bought a book about escher, by escher, in the gift shop.

home again
the next day, we checked out of the unused hotel, and went home. i think i forgot something, but i don't know what. the turnpike was packed all the way down. we stopped at a rest stop for coffee and peeing on the way down, and it was packed. insane. they didn't even have full power, just a generator. starbucks wasn't making frappucino because of lack of ice. i made jokes about entitlement queens demanding their frappucinos.

got home about at dark. tried to explain to my parents why their son not riding with a drunk driver is more important than "oh, but the gas is so expensive" and "but i had to go to publix in that car!" i hate my parents.

no, really
i hate my parents. well, no, just mom. without elecricity, she just got more and more neurotic. we went food hunting in darkened grocery stores -- she'd tell me to unload the cart, but then stand in my way in the little checkout aisle. she has to get her purse FIRST. she can't let me around, no. she can't wait a second, and get it while i unload. no, she has to stand there and fumble with it, and then complain i didn't help her.

also, she got in the habit of hiding things in the freezer. it didn't work, it smelled nasty, and it made things very hard to find in the dark.

the radio forgot about us
pretty earily, the radio stopped giving news about the hurricane. after less that a week, the fm stations dropped the coverage. then the am stations dropped it. lame. nobody even cared.

school started up again. later classes start monday, so more time for hw, thank god. i would have done it earlier, but... darkness.

we talked about the next project in drawing, and critiqued our last one. once again, no one did what the teacher wanted. we never seem to quite get the point of the assignment. i don't think he communicates it very well -- showing us examples would help.

novak dropped a fun deadline on us. angel (dept chair) wants studnet pictures, as many as possible, by monday. framed. we talk to her for details. she says "tomorrow would be better." right. wanna tell me how to put on a show of primarily digital photography, overnight, with no electricity?

well, kinkos will print. cheap. so i take my computer to phyllis's to burn a cd. not much use, it's pretty much fukt. the power supply doesn't even work. it's time for a new one anyways. i'm gonna email dan, and get him to build me one, if he has the spare time.

how to triple-book a day, and pull it off
today, i had work, the show to prepare for, and my mom had scheduled portraits of me and daniel. this is all at the same time, of course. luckily work didn't have internet access (which means nothing to do, at an ebay auction house), and portraits didn't take long (ugh).


it came back. obviously. the workmen were here in the morning, and they fixed it. so i pulled the hd out of my fried computer, and spent several hours working on images. i have 19 11x14's, mostly doubled up. going to frame 13 of them for the show, but i dunno which yet. went frame-hunting the rest of the day, and found some CHEAP in west boca. 50%, 12.99 11x14 black frames. so like 90 bucks.

then i realize i didn't have my wallet. i'd taken it out while sitting on the floor listening to my new records, and forgot to put it back in. had to get my dad to front the cash, and then drive home (no licence). but i got my frames, and i'll have pictures in them tomorrow. well on the way to a show. sort of.

been trying to sort out everything online, kind of, without my computer. i can't check one of my emails, but it mostly collects junk mail anyways. and uhh, that sort of brings us up to date.

it's been quite the two weeks. ...on to

the future
apparently, i might not need much to graduate. i have to sit down and look at the chart, but my dad thinks i could be as close and 15 credits. in other words, i could graduate at the end of next semester or the summer if i really tried. then i get to move and take a year off. or something i dunno. it's too soon! what do i do?

also, that girl never e-mailed me back. ah well. and we're a neilsen family.

music, wedding, in the news, ambivalence, reality, chicks man, travel, technology, lj catchup, school, photography, hurricane, mommy dearest

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