Mar 02, 2009 17:03
This is up mostly so you guys can offer your opinions.
Magic exists in the world, but most people aren't too open practicing it.
Atheists are pretty rare because of this. When the Pope can kill an army with a pillar of fire, you shut up and pray.
This brings up a pretty obvious question: Who's Right? If nobody, then what's really going on?
So then my personal feelings come into play. I find the words "Always Chaotic Evil" and the idea that all angels are people with fluffy white wings to be incredibly annoying.
The idea that I've been going for, then, is one where instead angels and demons can be considered powerful extradimensional beings, who happen to be from the two closest dimensions other than earth.
And no, they do not get along. The first meeting did not go well.
Demons would like screwing with people and each other, and would tend towards the chaotic and evil end of the alignment grid. But that's more of a cultural thing than anything else. Demons and their children would experience a fair bit of discrimination, because, well..demons. Hell itself is more of a planet, and broken up into constantly warring nations by whoever can hold onto power the longest. Most maps are incomplete (the inhabitants are NOT NICE), and soon become obsolete. Many races of demons too, varying from things like foocubi to giant killer fungi.
Angels, on the other hand, tend to be wrapped up in their own things. Notably, their main leader is gone, so right now it's a fight to keep civil war from erupting. They come in some pretty weird shapes, too-things like seven-eyed wheels of fire, or massive sets of eye-covered wings coming out of a tiny flame. The human-ish ones tend to be those that humans have the most contact with, because humans find it easier to get along with human-ish angels, and human-ish angels find it easier to get along with humans.
'Course, this leaves a few questions. What happens to souls after people die? Do they just kinda hop across the multiverse? Bamf out of existence? Why on earth would you want to make a deal with a demon? Guys, say something.