May 10, 2006 11:57
In the dream that I had last night...I was trapped in a familiar basement... that seemed to have become my home... where I was kept... It was much larger than I remembered it... and I lived there... It was fully equipped, there was a couch/bed, a tv that I hardly ever used, boxes and boxes of my things that I refused to unpack, and a piano... it was so much larger than I remembered that in it's darkest recesses there were things that I didn't even know were there... but I could only stay in the lit up areas... or was only interested in staying there... because their was something in the room... something that I could not see that I did not want to come upon me by surprise... and I could not leave this basement, I was not permitted to... so I had to live in fear there... of this thing... in the room... sometimes I could see through the walls, like a veil... into the outside world... but it was always dark... and I could never leave... the piano was a great comfort... but I never had the time to sit and play it... I was too busy looking for this torment that was somewhere in the room with me... Then 'Elliot’ came... he was with some young girl that I did not know, and did not really care about... they were there to mess around... but they found me instead... They had come in laughing... but when he saw me it was simultaneously like this was his space and he had simply forgotten I was there, and also like it was my own space and he was intruding... He was polite with the company of the girl by his side that he was... impressing? Using? The both explained to me that the thing in the room that I could not find was something that I had lost, something that belonged to me... They said that it was my spider... and we all began to look for her... Now I could see her... she scuttled into light here and there... from place to place... she darted into and out of boxes up and down the sides of things... but when we all went to look she was not there and we caught sight of her somewhere else... 'Eliot' and this girl were active in participating... they thought it was a fun and funny game... I was more cautious... something didn't feel right... something about the whole thing seemed dark... evil... I wanted to hurry to catch my spider, but I was weary of her... how did she get loose? How is she moving so quickly? Why is she so big? How is she multiplying? At this point, everything in the room changed every few seconds, furniture appeared and vanished as we picked it up to look for my spider, 'Elliot' could lift entire pianos up by himself and as they toppled over and I gasped, not only for the wellbeing of my spider, which they didn't seem to care about, but for the beautiful piano's as well... Things were multiplying... and then disappearing... every time something was looked behind for the spider... it disappeared... Sometimes the girl and 'Elliot' would be actively looking, sometimes they would be all over each other on the couch... there were large theater curtains everywhere... like a stage... I hid in the wings... there were pennies everywhere... I picked them up and threw them on the floor, the floor filled with them... until we were all just walking on pennies... 'Elliot' broke my spider's legs when he found her...'by accident' He laughed... I was distressed... the girl laughed... They told me her legs would grow back... It did not comfort me... The girl vanished... 'elliot's friend showed up, I could see him coming through the wall/veil & Curtains of the basement... He was coming in from another house on a wire with a bar attached to it... he held the bar and it slid him down the wire from another house into the basement with us... I asked If I could leave, the answer was no. I found coins in the pennies the size of children’s fingernails; they had inscriptions from the 1800's on them... I found a beautiful sculpted children's fairy tail themed picture frame in a magazine among the junk piled around in boxes in the 'wings' 'elliot' and his friend left... people were looking for him... they were angry... They found me instead and expressed their anger... I could do nothing... I could not leave the basement... Everything kept changing...long after 'Elliot’ left, but I was stuck there in the basement with my broken spider who was sick and sad...
Sarah woke me up