I just wasted my whole afternoon on Tumblr reading the wank over the b.s. going down on deviantART about New Zealand's gender and the whole thing totally reinforces how awesome everyone in fairdinkumbamf is. <3
It was some dumb shit on dA and Tumblr where a few fans of boy!NZ were trying to tell people who draw girl!NZ why they're wrong for thinking NZ's a girl...but those people weren't saying that NZ was a boy because of the canon design or because of their personal head canons- they were saying NZ had to be a boy because there was no way a girl could play rugby and because Maori culture is the MOST MASCULINE CULTURE EVARS!!! Oh, and if NZ's a girl, then she looks like a dyke. o.O
If those idiots are Kiwis I wanna disown them as fellow countrymen. I'm firmly in the male!Zealand camp as you know because of the canon art and my headcanon, but I don't mind female!Zealand as long as she isn't a Sue and/or a slut. I've dealt with a fem NZ Sue before in RP, and she was a ball of cutesy fluff. Ew.
The sad thing is, head canon and the canon art are the best reasons to think New Zealand's a boy- there's no need to come up with justifications for it, especially offensive justifications...
Luckily there hasn't been any NZ Sue on the kink meme, because nothing could make me back click faster than that. Although Australia Sue is amusing in that watching-a-train-wreak sort of way...
Exactly! And I'm hoping someone'll translate NZ and Aussie's profiles from Volume 4 asap. I won't be changing the personality of NZ in places where I'm currently playing him, but any new apps and fics I write will be incorporating any canon their profiles can give.
There hasn't? Yaaay, there's sane fans on the kink meme! I check the Commonwealth index every so often for unfilled NZ or general prompts, and there are so many! I've only filled one prompt though, and I never finished it. My France was made of so much fail back then. D:
I always miss the good stuff! D:
If those idiots are Kiwis I wanna disown them as fellow countrymen. I'm firmly in the male!Zealand camp as you know because of the canon art and my headcanon, but I don't mind female!Zealand as long as she isn't a Sue and/or a slut. I've dealt with a fem NZ Sue before in RP, and she was a ball of cutesy fluff. Ew.
Luckily there hasn't been any NZ Sue on the kink meme, because nothing could make me back click faster than that. Although Australia Sue is amusing in that watching-a-train-wreak sort of way...
There hasn't? Yaaay, there's sane fans on the kink meme! I check the Commonwealth index every so often for unfilled NZ or general prompts, and there are so many! I've only filled one prompt though, and I never finished it. My France was made of so much fail back then. D:
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