ACEN again...

Mar 27, 2009 04:09

So the BIG BAD MUSICAL GUEST has been unofficially officially announced. And GUESS WHAT IT IS. NOT A VISUAL BAND. OH SNAP.

They got m.o.v.e. A fucking avex act. WHAT. I have zero interest in them, but avex is kind of.. notorious for NOT sending its acts overseas, isn't it? Yeah. ABC is no longer a pipe-dream. But anyways, pretty damn impressive on GR's part.

You know, the same GR that apparently doesn't know how to book guests that can draw outsiders into the convention. Because m.o.v.e is so totally not going to do that. I bet they'll draw their fair share.

Yay for GR getting it right again.

Also, fuck you JaMe for announcing this without the convention's consent.


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