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1. Remember the very first japanese band and song you’ve listened to?
Lol no. I tend to say that L'Arc~en~Ciel "stole my Jrock virginity" but they weren't the actual first, just the first I actively remember seeking out after hearing them. I was listening to DA family via Gravitation before that, but I didn't know it.
2. When was that?
See above.
3. The first J-Rock concert you went to? When and who was that?
the pillows, ACen 2005
4. The first CD you’ve bought?
Clicked Singles Best 13 by L'Arc~en~Ciel
5. The first J-Rocker you admired?
I actually "admired" bands collectively at first, not individual members. Dunno who the first was that I actively singled out.
6. Your favourite bands in the beginning you started listening to J-Rock?
L'Arc~en~Ciel, Gackt, FAIRY FORE, Dir en grey, GLAY, LUNA SEA
7. Did your taste change since then?
Yes and no. I still listen to most of what I listened to then, but it's a fraction of my total listening now.
8. Do you think discovery of J-Rock changed your life?
I guess? Actually, I would say being an anime fan was probably more pivotal, not that I'm proud of it.
9. Your favourite band at the moment?
10. Favourite Singers?
Ryo, Takayuki Tazawa, Akihide, hyde, KYOSUKE FUCKING HIMURO
11. Favourite Guitarists?
Akihide, Hiro, ken, Pata, Hideaki, Hideey
12. Favourite Bassist?
Junichiro, Hitoshi, tetsu, Shuse, IKUO
13. Favourite Drummer?
Makoto, Shinya (both of 'em), Levin, Jun-ji
(I want to know why it's singers and guitarists plural but bassist and drummer singular. >:C)
14. Your favourite song at the moment?
I never have a single favorite song.
15. Music that makes you feel calm?
I don't think I'd describe any of the Japanese music I listen to as being "calming." If I want calm, I usually listen to something that's not Japanese.
16. A song that makes you cry?
I'm not the sort who is ever ~moved to tears by media of any kind, but 眠れぬ夜 comes close.
17. A song that makes you happy?
18. A band that disbanded that you really miss?
NEVER LAND and FAIRY FORE are the ones I miss the most, but there's so many.
19. Choose three J-rockers you would like to meet the most and tell why:
I can't pick just three! That's too hard.
20. Choose one Question for each of this persons you would like to ask them.
I don't really want to ask anyone anything in particular. I'd rather just go drinking and party with them. :D
21. If there was a song written JUST FOR YOU, who would you like to perform and write it?
This is a loaded question. Um... I don't know how to answer this. I don't think I'd want such a thing in the first place.
22. If you could look like a certain J-Rocker, who would you like to look like?
I don't really want to look like one tbh.
23. Imagine you were a J-Rocker. What instrument would you play and what role would you play in the band?
Either the vocalist or the drummer. I want all of the attention or none.
That ended up being kind of boring. Apologies. D: