Title: Moonlight
Author: Arachne002
Words: 250
Genre: fantasy, angst
Summary: Mythology meets the Marauders?
Rating: G
Moonlight was
a blue thin spill of just less than darkness across the wide lawn where the steps went down from the Great Doors and the frost was crisping the grass under his feet and Remus could see the smoke curling from the hut down past the greenhouses and the forest behind it.
Moonlight was
a slender curve of light to watch while it filled and other lights behind him dimmed while other days tugged in the corners of memory: other feasts and other moons that slid beside him and seemed to mock him in the dark.
The moon was innocent where it lay in the sky and it pulled at his blood as it pulled the tides and the Dementors were here and they sucked away the comfort that he’d found in years and the boy with green eyes like Lily’s eyes sat in his classroom with a kind of silly eager hope that reminded him of his own school days.
Moonlight was
memory; and he tugged his worn robes around his shoulders and turned his back on the Goddess; Hagrid had come out of his hut into the night with his dog at his heels and Remus walked back into the Castle and the lesser light of candles and Albus Dumbledore with that twinkle in his eyes
and Yuletide seemed like an empty moment waiting to be filled and the dark halls promised safety but the sickle moon rocked behind him and the frost broke under his feet.