Sunday Morning

Oct 02, 2011 04:46

Good morning! It's 4:30am here and I am getting ready to head into work. Starting my day with Donald Lawrence's "I Am Healed". I recommend it highly! Not going to have alot of time for anything before I have to head out. I am grateful that I have a job, that I have been getting some good hours lately (won't last long), and that today I get off work early today. Early: as in early in the day as opposed to a short day which would be something like 4 hrs. :)

Think I'm going to start a couple of blogs. One will be spiritual. I hope it helps people. The other will be for cooking. The cooking one will be to help people cook simple things like rice, noodles, bean soup, etc. I cannot believe what a lost art this is!  Wow. People are so used to boxed/frozen/canned stuff or going out to eat that they have no idea how to cook anymore! I'll be dropping links all over the place for them as soon as I get them up. *sigh* Quarter till. I gotta run. Later!


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