Long time no typie....

Mar 17, 2004 13:42

It's been a hellova long time since I decided to update this here thing. General life update is all is well, currently biding my time until I go back to work for a quick short shift to finish out the day. 3 doggies in, no need for me to ride the clock for only 3 doggies. So I'll be heading back in in a while, walk n feed then head home to shower.

Today is the hubby's birthday!!! Happy birthday, my sweet! Happy happy birthday from all of me to you!! (eg)

Which means doing the dress nice thing to go out with his parentals for dinner at uber fab place I've never been at. Why, oh why do I have so few dress clothes? I think it's cause I just don't dress up often, at least not parent-level nice dress that is. Here I am, looking though my closet and all I can think of is 'Daaaaaaaamn' If we were going clubbing, I'd be set. So, I'm washing a few things I recovered from the evil basement in the hopes that something will make a nice top for the evening. My black satin cargo-esque pants will just have to do along with some nicely naughty underthings.. As for the top, it's a toss up between a red sweater (yes yes, I know its St. Patty's day but I own not one thing green save for a tshirt.) or a combo black tank with lavender top. Or even a lt blue velvet shirt. Hmm.. Thinking the velvet may be the way to go. Of course, harley boots all the way;> COmfort over fashion any day.

AS for the rest of my life, it's been the usual work my fool rear off, sleep whenever I can and then work more. Love my job but I'm hitting the point of exhaustion with the 6 day work weeks. Actually.. It may well be that my evil dirty room is sucking the life out of me as it forms it's own conciousness and plots to take over the world. One day, I will get it clean.

THe bitties turned into kitties, Isis and Sammy are near adults now around 9 months old or so. Isis looooves her daddy while Sammy just wants us for food. The dog is the dog still, Ms. Harley is doing dandy for a girl her age (9 or so). The snake and ferret do what they will and appear to be pleased with their environment. No biting or anything.

The clinic went through some changes at the end of the year, the main one that got everyones feathers ruffled was the removal of the employee discount. Now we pay just as much as everyone else. Me, it was nice while we had it, got me through the first year of being there, now I just have to balance checkbook and fortunatly, everyone is due at different times which makes it hit softer. We do good medicine. But we do need more space. And someone else full time in my dept so I can get some of these silly sidetasks completed.


WTF?? I get assigned task 6 months ago when I worked evenings and there was another person in kennel while I was up front in evenings. As I have to do the calls after 5 pm per the owner. Scoot ahead a month or so, its only me inthe kennel. I ask for help inthe making of the calls as I CANT DO THEM IF I'M NOT IN THE BUILDING AT THE CORRECT TIMES!!!!!!!!!
Needless to say, I'm now 4months or so behind, I know the owner is going to come screaming for me and all I can offer her is the paltry hour or so on Sundays where I can squeeze in 25 calls or so providing that the front person isn't loosing her mind over some stupid thing she should already know how to do by now. I mean for the love of god people, this isn't brain surgery. Ahem.. Thats a minor issue int he overall scheme of things, where was I, oh yes..

I've asked for the now night people to help me in making these calls as there are *2* of them tues-thurs scheduled from 5:30 pm till we close at 9 pm. Hello, one can call, the other can help clients. Oh but no, I get 'We're too busy, we're too busy' Busy my ass you twit, I've closed weeknights being by myself after 7 pm AND I STILL COULD GET A HANDFUL OF CALLS DONE! Idiot. Now with the slight slowing of business, they send nurses home usually, I've asked if they could make said calls, I get 'they're working on another project' or 'Sure.. (nothing)' and to add insult to injury, they've gotten one of the nurses to handle filing older paperwork sets at night.. INSTEAD OF HELPING MAKE THESE CALLS FOR A PROJECT THAT I DIDN'T WANT TO BE IN CHARGE OF! I was arbitrarily assigned this project, noone asked me and the idjit mgr that gave it to me is the one whining that she's too busy at night to make calls but she sure as hell has enough time to order herself dinner, eat it, hang out in the back, make silly notes for people and play 'organze the files'. Hello..

Anyhows, that done, everything else is well and dandy.

taa taa

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