My Upcoming Birthday

Nov 28, 2011 18:57

So, copyying the contents of This FB event here:

So, it is once again my birthday in December! I am turning 26 and I want all of you to celebrate with me! And it just so happens, this is a weekend - for a given value of weekend anway - of lots of clubs and gigs and Other Shiny Things!

Thursday the 8th: Carousel at the Thomas House. 8 pm onwards, there shall be good music and I guess yours truly appears to be DJing. Oh dear. Did I mention the cheap booze? And general dark and awesome tunes, none of that damn newfangled bleepy music? :D

Friday the 9th: Yet another reason for y'all to attend Caustic Disco at the Good Bits - oontz and cheese and eurotrash. 10 pm onwards so plenty of time to recover from the night before!

Saturday the 10th: MY ACTUAL BIRTHDAY! I will be DJing at Dominion - and really if you don't know where that is, why do I even know you? - and you should all be there. No promises on the quality or the genre of music, but it shall be awesome! There may also be pre-Dominion shenanigans, follow this space!

Sunday the 11th: London, Front 242 & Nachtmar & Empirion & Global Citizen at KoKo! Great bands and great debauchery, and the fact that you're not in Dublin is no longer an excuse to not to show up to celebrate with me ;)

Monday 12th: Chameleons Vox at Dingwalls, London! For the non-bleepy London crowd, you have again no excuse to not to show up ;) In case of shenanigans this may still turn into getting stupid drunk somewhere else, but hey, the important bit is that I'm in London :P

Tuesday 13th: I shall eventually arrive in Lancaster so anyone in the area who wants to mob me for a pint, should do so that day before I am kidnapped to Morecombe. that, or hit me up in the next 2 days or so :D

So, you have plenty of chances helping me celebrate this one! :D

If I forgot to invite you because FB is silly, click attending anyway because I love y'all. And of course, I will be around during the day time as well - if London or Norhtern or whateverous people want to grab lunch or dinner or a pint, I am sure we can figure something out! :D

glee, dj ara, ebm, carousel, gigs, holidays, friends, bands, ara has a plan, fun tiems, london, dominion, front 242 i love you, travel, clubbing, birthdays, birthday plans, whee

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