
Jan 17, 2010 23:01

  • 12:05 Guys, what have I missed in the past 24 hours of drug and alcohol fiueled orgies and general debaucery? #
  • 18:22 Jesus I'm a slag. #
  • 18:31 @ m3g0ra will send you a 'DM #
  • 18:52 @ insideoutcast I'm thinking of spinning some @twitchtheripper next time I'm on - one ofthese days I should jsut make a set that is just.. #
  • 18:52 @ insideoutcast awesomemusic I have discovered via twitter, or at least, I have twitterific conenction to ! #
  • 18:59 @ Insideoutcast it is hard to believe. I have to try to figure out what would go down with the local crowd - they are a demanding bunch #
  • 19:00 @ insideoutcast in othr words, if it is not fucking vnv, grendel, combichrist they turn up their noses to it for the most part. *sigh* #
  • 19:03 @ insideoutcast Naaah. I think it was just enough bearing. #
  • 19:14 @ insideoutcast *grin* #
  • 19:17 @ insideoutcast isn't that kind of... like the point? #
  • 19:22 @ insideoutcast having sex with an anal skrull in an alternate universe. #
  • 19:28 Anyone reaaally good with complicated relationship advice and willing to have a really rally qck word? :P #
  • 19:31 @ insideoutcast I think only ay someone can be qualified to advise meis if they are a soap opera expert tbh _:P #
  • 19:35 @ insideoutcast or something. I mean, with all these whos with whos and other BS; all we are missing isabunch of babbys. #
  • 19:54 @ insideoutcast and then you add the intrawebs to it... #
  • 20:10 ♥ Their Law by The Prodigy #lastfm: amazon: #
  • 20:12 @ sundby easier said than done. But I might be bale to do the stop caring part... #
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