
Dec 22, 2009 23:01

  • 01:39 @ _caustic_ On the first fay of Christmas... etc. I dare you. #
  • 01:42 @ _caustic_ *grin* #
  • 02:26 ... I kind of want... #
  • 03:20 Oh. My. God. XD #
  • 03:26 @ conorelmo aimin to be a spoony bard, i see #
  • 04:23 @ qikipeida yup! :P #
  • 05:42 @ chromeskinjesus I need to find someone like you to breed with. #
  • 10:48 waking up to electricians needing to barge into your apartment PLUS the fucking idiots at work underpaying you again = no love. #
  • 10:56 @ tyskeludder you are trying to force me to learn German beyond "Ich habe eine bowlingkugel in meiner lederhosen", right? :P #
  • 12:22 #IfTheSexIsGood breakfast is irrelevant. #
  • 12:56 The awesomeness of this video never ceases to make me swoon: #
  • 13:13 Soon I shall leave the house for the deplorable task of..s tocking up on coke and food for the holidays. This is not going to be pleasant. #
  • 13:16 @ _caustic_ I wish I could come up with a proper Stargate joke to make about the Ls here. #
  • 13:17 Spam created distrust: I appar to have recieved a 50 euro voucher in the mail form the local shopping centre.. I keep thinking it is a fake #
  • 13:19 @ _caustic_ Hopefully when she looks you up for a restraining order she will be converted to the Industrial Side :P #
  • 13:19 @ chaosandterror Oh, the huge manatee! #
  • 13:34 I am tempted to nap. except, the moment I go bak to sloeep, the electrician bys are guaraneed to knck on the door... #
  • 13:47 So I asked them how long until my place was done.. this resulted in "we can do you now so youäre free to run off!" - faith in people +1 #
  • 13:56 this may or may not have been aided by the power of boobies, though. #
  • 14:00 Now it is time to boot up - and have I told you recently how much I love my purple spiderweb grinders? - and go out... #
  • 15:20 Tempted to buy a slow cooker as part of treating myself to nice things thing.... #
  • 17:41 RT @iscintilla "Prey On You" EP is now available from Amazon MP3. $7.92 and DRM-free! Link: #
  • 17:42 I hae makin dinner when I have too many coice for which to pick XD #
  • 17:54 @ _caustic_ @chaosandterror I'm reading this with the appropriate soundtrack: Terminal Choice - Rockstar Methinks i have psychic WMP :P #
  • 19:03 @ bambiihell listened to that earlier today. an excellent album. #
  • 19:38 @ bambihell it has some of my favorite Prodigy tracks on it - No Good and of course Their Law. the involvement of PWEI being an awesome thing #
  • 19:50 there are so many songs about moving your ass... why never about other body parts? I like to think "move your spleen" would be awesome #
  • 19:59 @ chaosanderror well no but that's besides the point :P #
  • 20:04 @ parasitik Shiny! #
  • 20:14 @ ebmradio i thought you would equate it to ham spiling out of a burst tin.. #
  • 20:26 @ ebmradio i see my careflly grafted taunt about your sexuality was too fine. Damn :P #
  • 20:49 @ chaosandterror so who will you wake up with and find out you jsut got drunkenly married to? #
  • 20:56 @ chaosandterror that dindn't stop the Simpsons... :P then again, Homer and Ned gained wives, didn't get hitched to each other.... #
  • 20:59 Really, mister, i texted you sunday twie and once today. i would like ot think you could be arsed to get back to me by now. #
  • 21:31 @ conorelmo someone linked me to it when I needed cheering up... it is EPIC, isn'ät it? #
  • 21:33 @ bunnyman cheers! and just to un-confuse you for the future, if I mention Bunny, i am speaking of a mate of mine, not you :P #
  • 21:40 @ bunnyman fear not, you are the one and only Bunnyman! he is my Snugglebunny <3 (as much as he objects to the epiteth and the possession) #
  • 21:47 I wonder what new and glorious ways of sucking will 2010 find? #
  • 22:02 @ bunnyman every time i have said that, things got worse in some new an totally creative way XD #
  • 22:22 Rereading the Sith Acadremy stories.. and lamenting the fact that I never lookd up any of the music featured in the stories. #
  • 22:29 wonder what i would be like had i discovered, say, Minisry or Iggy Pop at the tender age of 14... #
  • 22:59 @ almadsfeika the hair sounds very prettyfull! :D #
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