
Nov 26, 2009 23:03

  • 23:09 @ cygnostik I feel your pain. fucking lusers. #
  • 23:50 @ _caustic_ I second @parasitk #
  • 00:50 @ ebmradio ties are love <3 #
  • 01:09 @ conorelmo shoudl I even bother with the porn jokes? #
  • 01:32 I envy the people on the other side of the pond for their turkeys... and other damn yummy goodies... #
  • 13:45 morning, internets. How are we today? #
  • 13:47 @ ebmradio you tweeted at me in my dreams <3 #
  • 13:48 You know you are a geek when a dream invvolving IRC will somehow morph to incvolve a pileup of klingons and romulans. In bed. #
  • 14:30 @ chaosandterror oh yays! :D #
  • 14:31 ok, now that i am wearin pants i might actually leae the house and go buy myself some FOOD and other stuffs. Like tobacco and coke. #
  • 15:53 @ _caustic_ @chaosandterror <3 for the lulz. #
  • 15:53 Bought foodings. No turkey day round here, but i plan on a good dinner anyway. #
  • 16:36 THings I did not want to think about: Deviant Jay in a skirt. #
  • 17:19 Bloomers! Bloody bloomers! #
  • 17:33 May have most of her antichrit putfit sorted. ell, up to chest level anyway... #
  • 17:34 and probably only from knees up. #
  • 17:34 and i totlaly sould no tlak about myself in third person. facebook much? #
  • 17:36 Dumb cooking question: If i wnat to cook green beans in the oven with my chicken, at what point should I put the beans in? #
  • 18:06 Chicken breast in the oven, now to do the rice... funno if i wnat to toss the green beans in or cook them separately... #
  • 18:10 just broke a bottle of wine on the floor. via my head. OW. #
  • 18:23 a concussion would be rather damned inconvinen seeing as i has shiny foodz i wnat to consume soonish.... #
  • 18:55 @ death_biscuits like to think I am.. not dizzy or anything. just anbnoyed. Dinner is ready now so looking forward to that! #
  • 19:16 My chicken turne dout grat, except abit lacking on the spice department. :( #
  • 20:05 My kigdom for a sewing machine... :/ #
  • 20:39 @ DJ_Spider2 have fun! :D #
  • 22:09 Awesome snake graffiti: #
  • 22:23 sewing lace on bloomers by hand. how fucking victorian. #
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