Fic rec!

Nov 08, 2009 17:28

Born Again: Stage 1 (separation) by xhellsfirex

This fic is amazing. Just fucking amazing. it is RPS but serioulsy, read it anyway. even if the idea of Nick Cave/Blicxa bargeld makes your brain explode. Because it is also an incredibly gripping creepy and haunting horror story. Read the disclaimers and warnings: it has some incredibly nasty things in it. But the whole is horrific and beautiful and left me going "woah"
but yeah, read the ewarnings. the vontent is pretyt damn hardcore.

Seriously. even if the pairing etc etc etc its totes nto your cup of tea, go read it. If you wnat horror, this story is it. totally. i can't rave enough about it.

... or, if you jsut want some pretty damn hardcore Non-con fic, go read. (yes I am looking at you, ms_anthrophy)

rave, fic, music, writing, linky, slash, squee

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