Weird fandoyish thoughts...

Sep 12, 2009 08:39

so. I may havesaid this before but the reason I originally got into Deche Mode?

Someone songficced most of violator with Angel/Xander fics and I found the album in the local library, go it and went "Oooh shiny!" about it.

Now.. well, I googled the fics themselves easy enough. (I am on a slight Buffy kick atm) and I wanted to get in touch with the author so I could thank them for introduing me to DM.

Of course, there is no contact info for the author that I can find. *shakes head* this of course is in no way a surrise - I read these stories and got into DM back in... 2000, 2001. Somwehere in that region.

It both makes me feel really damn old "wow where did all the time go?" and sad that eole can jsut.. disaear like that.

But.. yeah. This is one reason why songfics should be celebrated. They sread good music.

random, fandom, buffy, music, stuff, fic, buffy the vampire slayer, depeche mode

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