Home now

May 24, 2008 20:54

HOme now, trying to nbibble on foodstuffs reasonably successfully and trying to decide if the aftereffects of what may have been a food poioisoning as opposed to a hangover are enough to keep me from Dominion/. mosyt likely not - it is not like i can;t sut sit in a corner as usual.

Go, Terasbetoni, Go!

I will eventually have a full picture-accompanied, for hte msot part, report of what I did in Prague, and no none of those pictures involve naked.

.. really. but ther eis a lot of posing goffick ones.

no pivctures from friday night tho becuase we did not take a camera along to the opera and everything DID go downehill fom there.

All in all, there was much, much awesome, but I am already missing work - i want my MCSE, dammit, and my dollar too!

Eta: also, totally behind on the flist, will try to atc up ut guys, POKE ME if there is anything awesomeous/horrifying I hsould kno w of.

and, also: Tempted to drag plague from Prague to Infest since he loved being subjected to my music...

friends, random, eurovision, rl, music, serious stuff, travel, prague, clubbing, ara needs a new body dammit

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