(no subject)

Feb 24, 2005 12:24

Ah yes... where to start?

Jen still waiting for parts.

This here warmed my heart immensely: http://www.sorcerers.net/ubb/ultimatebb.php?/topic/22/545.html

I am a longtime resident there and even if I am well-liked, i am also somewhat... disliked buy the adminstration. Much drama and all that. And it was NOT me who did that poll - I just pretty much force-fed OuaTiM to that guy :D

Lessee... TV. I like QE a lot,m I have realized. Now I just wonder if I can find any of those fabulous recipes online... and justr how much much screaming would my place cause in the Fab 5.

Also, Ladeevix; You keep M, I like my version better - I finally watched an episode of WaT.

What else, what else... ah yes. I cant keep my kittens straight... and no, Tarantino did not run off with the tomcat next door, and neither did Carolina REALLY turn out to be in drag. Rather, I keep having these freudian slips and my dahlink OC Jani actually ended up saying a Sands-style line, swearing included 0_o

Also - I most definitely love snooze alarm - it let me have the nicest dreams i have had in a looong time, and prevented something that might very well have been a nighmare (human-eating rage-infested baboons, anyone?) But damn, why oh WHY did the stupid dream have to shift just after I opened my door and certain tall, dark and handsome stood there... *pouts*

Also, I feel geeky - I can program my VCR. The one problem is, of course, that it was of no use... that stupid program I taped because iw as too lazy to get up at 9 am did not show any of the music videos I really wanted *sniffle*

enrique, kitties, sp, writing, geekery, shameless fangirling

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