Wheeee :D

Dec 08, 2007 16:22

So. Yesterday.

After sucktasdtic fay at work, came home, got ready, headed out,w aited for bus for AGES... so as a result, KLOQ was already ons tage when I dinally made it to the VIllage. Hadn;t chekced them out beforehand but the result? Me like! Definitely danceworthty. had an attack of selfconsciouslness so resisted urge to dance until there was someone else to latch onto who was dancing *grin* (thanks, Googleboy!)

And VNV Nation..w ell, i was on secodn row. and all I can say is FUCKING AMAZING. I don;t have the words for how fucking great it was :) I was bouncing my head off, scraming,s inging along.... it was great. (although I have to say.. I expected the ssinger to look diffferent. More moody, less General Hammond. *grin*) it wwas fucking amazing. Set list? Don;t ask me...

Saw lots of peeps, obviously. Some haven;t seen in ages. Was m8uch socializartion after the gig, and ende dup buggering off to Brux with a ton of people. hadn;t been there ina ges.. some people apparently even missed me! (So ok, one person *snort*) there was also a wweir dmoment when the barguy, one I hadn;t seen before but who seemed to be having fun, actually didn;t let me pay for my coke 0_0 was strrage. But yeah, hung out with my new friends, who also invited me toa christmas party, until; they left and then kept socializing a bit longer until I gheaded home.w aited an hour for a taxi - no bus for me, too annoyed - and kept company to/consoled a girl who;d had everything of hers robbved that night.

IN general, best MoA organized evening I have had. Bnecause there was no drama, or at leasrt not much drama,a nd I eent home happy and even got some damn sleep. no drama for me or people I consider dear so... goodness.

Even if there wer eplenty of flashbacks and annoyances.

moa, friends, bands, vnv nation, bunny, rl, music, relationships, gigs, serious stuff, clubbing, brux

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