On my wayq

Dec 27, 2006 22:21

Powwer of Blogging From Strange Placwes, activate!

not that the helsinki-Vantaa airport is that strange. but, my karma holds good and I am at the net cafe wight next to my gate :D Lovely, innit?

thuis far, everything has fgone smoothly. I was fed well before we left the hosue and Vikke drove me tot he airport where everything,a gain,l wenht smoothly - the nice lady got hit by my CHA and I only spent 150 euros ont he extra weight instead of 200. this is goodness :D

Now I ma jsut waitinjg for the Copenahegen polabne. going to see if i can get onoline there, too - it sho0ul d be possible.... I hope.

Oh,a nd my nose hurts. 'siigh* Ara + acvailable cash + having tow atrit for something + a tattoo shop rigth nesxt to her? yeah. got the nose piercing. *headdesk* I knwo I am fucking stupid for having done it but.. yeah. I know *sigh*

oh, and have now read the Lordi comic.a ll i cans ay is SQUEEE: Plotbunny city. Hot monsters. Mr. Lordi was an ugly baby. and love the prefgace. (He pretty much says this is jsut one potential idaeea of the mosnters' backstories and that the fans should stilc oem up with their owna nd pretty much gives a carte blanche for fic *dies*) Oh, and kalmaged? was a hot bastard. deserved to die,t hough.

ireland, glee, rl, job, shameless fangirling, serious stuff, travel, lordi

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