Sep 27, 2006 10:51
So, Fig i a te uni and Sphie' off to Ceeseland and i am.. sitting hre sniffling and trying to start feling better in time for Swarm. Supid flu :(
So, yesterday we got up,had breakfat, and headed to the Uni. where we nded upin tis HUGE queue while waiting to gt in the freebie fair. And, amusngly enough? the chick right behind me was Finnish. ralied this when she sopoke of the matriculation eams. I don't think that the word is used anywhere else....
b ut yeah freebies! tons and ons of freebies. love them to bits. might even use some of them :P and then SOphie and I waited for Rick and Will of SWARm while Fig went off to get her lip looke at my doctory people. we ere supposed o help the guys with abanner but there was a shortage of banner material and we had to come bac o we said bye to the guys, picked up Mags and came back. had lunch, yay for sandches,a nd I belie I managed to sleep for a bit on the couch. lovely couch, it is.
th we escoted ophie to work as a wageslave for the Fort Knox of supermarkets, did a bit of grocery shoppin and came back to ave dinner. we watched Batman Begins and.. hooy annolli, I ove that movie. can i have Ducard's babies? and Crane is so pretty... spcially if he ets broe.... must read slash now...
But yeah, then we mooched aound fr a bt, Sopi ame home and we eded up heading to bed. sleep was lovely, and amn but Ienvy Fg's char futeon thingamacky. wnat one of those when I get a place o my own...
Now, I beliee i t is back to napland for me.
*hugs everyone*
serious stuff,
uk trip