Sep 17, 2006 14:10

I. hate. My. Brain.

Why, you ask?

You see, I ahd this very lovely dream...... and then my brian cut it off for something totally irrelevant. not even a ron of kitties at a later point helped.

So what is the dream, you ask? Welkl, the interesting part was some concerrt hall or other - with Lordi. and for some reaosn, he was coming to the audience - I donöt know why he wasnöt bmobbed, but he waleked amongst us. he first wenrt to someone to my left, then someone to my right - i franticlaly looked for something for him to sign and did fins, and wthen pretty much went puppydog-eyes when he was going past me.... he signed it and said something - i donöt even recallw hat but I recall with startling clarity what I tolfd him "I'd rtather be your slavve" *cough* I pretty much was about to panic ther ebut he grinned and told me where and when to meet him. *swoons'

So, I go there - and was 3 minutes late, eep! Damn Dipoli full of crazy people! and what happens?

I get to follow him to the conviniently located dark forest.

the next thing I know is that I'm on the ground, he's on top of me and there is fdefinitely interestingness going on....

and then the fucking thing gets interrupted by some sort of internet missives form my childhood friends. the whol e dream was fuckeda t that poiint - I knew he was there, jsut waitingfor me, just as I'd get rid of these friends and then my mom and cats and.. argggh! I hatehtatehatehatehate my brain! *groans' Why does it have to torment me so? WHY?!?!

so yeah, Arqa woke up v. frustrated.a nd has a ton of cleaning to do tosday *le sigh*

domestic, serious stuff, lordi, rant, rl, dreams, shameless fangirling

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