Älä Mene Metsään, Chapters 9 & 10

Aug 04, 2006 00:33

Warnings & dsiclaimers in part one.

With the morning, came chaos.

Viktor had been woken by the gleeful shrieking of the harpy, Silvia; apparently, Anna had not made it back from the woods before she was missed.

Viktor cursed himself for a fool for not having followed her, for not having stayed up and made sure she got home safe… but the stress of the day had laid him out in deep, if troubled sleep so very easily…

He shook his head; he could reprimand himself later. Now, he would have to find out what had happened and how to best minimize the damage.

“Oh, she wasn’t in all night!” Silvia was waving her hand theatrically as she spoke to her family and Erik, her voice loud enough for half the house to hear, including the approaching Viktor. “She came in at the wee hours of the morning, extremely improperly attired and that love bite on her neck!”

Her words started Viktor. Love bite? Had... had she been bitten again by the Lord of the Woods?

Silvia noticed him across the room. “Where was pastor Belan last night?” she said gleefully. “Were you running about in the woods?”

“Now, Silvia, don’t be preposterous,” the harpy’s mother, Eva, said haughtily. “Do not cast aspersions upon a clergyman.”

“I would like to know what this is all about,” Viktor said gravely, thankful for the older woman’s intervention. “Did something happen during the night?”

Erik frowned. “Silvia claims my daughter spent the night away from the house.”

”With her lover, no doubt,” the blonde added snidely.

“What does Anna say? And what about her maid?” Viktor frowned; Ruusa at the very least would stand in Anna’s defence.

“Anna is in no state to talk,” Erik said promptly. “She’s... indisposed. Her maid is tending to her.”

The man’s tone of voice suggested that the word of a servant was worth naught; Viktor bit his lip from saying something he would regret, and simply nodded.

“I see.” Viktor replied.

He listened as Erik kept talking, of how he would, of course, arrange for a midwife to examine Anna to prove that she was still virgo intacto; that she had not, in fact, been meeting anyone in the woods.

”Why not call a real doctor?” Gustav asked, his voice filled plaintive. “I am sure that if we called upon, say. Doctor Levander rather than some crone…”

”Nonsense, Gustav,” Eva interrupted her son. “Doctor Levander is a busy man and simply could not take the time it would take to come here. The midwife will do just fine; I will assist her myself.”

Viktor was surprised by the woman’s words, but taking into account how sensible she was, especially compared to her children, it was not as surprising as he suspected.

He did not for a moment doubt that Anna was anything but pure - if she was here, even if she was indisposed… it meant the Lord of the Woods had not taken her.

Viktor shuddered; what could have happened at the woods? His only hope of finding out was to talk to Anna, alone…. Or as alone as possible; from the withering look Gustav was giving him, it was clear that the man thought him a rake that had been abed with the bride-to-be.

Yes, he decided as he excused himself, he would have to talk to Anna. As well as Ox.


Several days later, Anna lay in her bed crying. She had cried herself to sleep every night since she had returned from the woods; this evening was no exception.

Both Ruusa and Viktor had tried to console her but to no avail. She endured Ruusa’s fussing but with Viktor, she had lost her composure and screamed at him to leave her alone and post the banns come Sunday, she no longer cared.

What would it matter who she married? The one she loved with all her heart and soul had rejected her.

The memory brought forth a fresh gush of tears; Anna sobbed quietly, pulling the down pillow already stained with tears closer. She remembered the look in his eyes, the mixed anger and disgust as he’d told her no.... when she had let her wickedness overcome her and kissed him, when she’d been set afire by his touch and felt like she was upon the brink of some heavenly experience…

And he’d rejected her.

Lordi had kissed her. He had bitten her - the mark was still on her throat, sore and red, but not inflamed. Every single whisper of air or touch upon it made her knees weak, at the memory of how it had felt to have his fangs tear into her flesh …

Oh, God, she wanted to be with him. She wanted to love him, wanted to spend the rest of her days in the safety of his arms... what wouldn’t she give to feel his strong heartbeat beneath her cheek like she had so many a time before!

But he didn’t want her.

She was just a silly little girl to him, a weak human... something that disgusted him. She would never have his love.

So it wouldn’t matter what happened, if they married her to Gustav, if they sent her off, if they burned her at the stake - she didn’t care. Without him, she felt so lost and alone.

They would wed her to Gustav, she knew. She’d spent an agonizing hour answering to the midwife’s question, and another equally horrible, if in a different way, examined by the same midwife as her groom’s mother watched. Anna had never felt so humiliated in her life, not even with all the reassurances Ruusa’s grandmother had given her.

Anna had been declared virgo intacto, to that horrible Silvia’s great consternation; there was nothing that would keep her from being wed in less than a month, not with the first banns already posed and her heart having been torn from her chest.

She had no words for how much she hurt.


Ruusa was very worried.

She could not help but feel dread over miss Anna’s condition; of how listless he had become, barely leaving her room, not eating unless cajoled. Both she and Ruusa were no longer taking part in the preparations, Anna because of her condition, Ruusa because she had been assigned the task of looking after the young miss.

Ruusa knew some were afraid that Anna would try to take her own life, or that she had lost her mind; rumours were aplenty of what the midwife had discovered, but Ruusa knew they were all untrue.

Her grandmother had gently questioned Anna while Ruusa held her hand; Anna’s answers would have done anyone proud! She knew naught of what passed between a man and a woman, and grandma Elsa had been able to tell she was untouched with a look. The groom’s haughty mother had agreed, with her, too!

Anna was completely innocent. Not that Ruusa wasn’t, but... she did know what passed between a man and a woman, her grandmother had taught her that much. And she had kissed some of the village boys, and…

Her cheeks flushed and she lowered her eyes to her sewing. She had dreamed so very vividly that night when Anna had been to the woods! It was such a wicked, wicked dream, nothing like the ones she had ever had before. She could still remember Amen’s dream-touch and it flushed her from head to toe with the sinful heat…

She shook her head, biting her lip; she should not think of such things. A part of her wondered if she had been spellbound by him, but... she could feel it, deep in her heart, that this wickedness was all from the depths of her soul; he could have only awakened it, not unleashed it on her.

The idea frightened her.

It was best to not to think about it, she thought as she straightened her shoulders and looked at the bed where miss Anna lay curled up on her side, surrounded by cats. She would finish this piece, and then go fetch something for Anna to eat.. God knew the girl would waste away if she continued like this!


Ox found Viktor anxiously pacing in the empty sacristy, a look of distress on his face.

”I posted the second banns today,” the priest said as soon as the bulltaur stepped into sight. “I assume he knows?”

Ox nodded heavily. “Aye. He does.”

”Then why is he not doing anything?” Viktor asked, his eyes flashing. “Anna is… she’s lost all hope and life, after whatever it was he did to her! She refuses to talk to me about it.”

Ox sighed. It would of course be that there was nothing to be gleaned from the girl, either. “I was hoping she would have told you,” he rumbled, “Since Lordi is unwilling to even hear her name spoken.”

He watched Viktor blink slowly. “That is… unexpected,” the priest said, “I thought he would be… that he would wish to claim her as his, no matter what.”

Ox shrugged “So did I. But whatever happened between them, it has sent him to unimaginable fury. He’s been on the hunt come nightfall ever since.”

He watched the priest slowly shake his head. “God, I wish I knew what to do to make her talk,” Viktor said quietly. “She… she’s stopped speaking unless spoken to, she nearly refuses to eat at all, she’s… God, she is but a shadow of her old self!”

The bulltaur tilted his head in contemplation. Could it have been possible… “Does she act as if she were… violated?”

Ox did not believe it possible of Lordi, but if he had been overwhelmed by what he felt for her… he was, after all, a beast. They all were.

Viktor’s eyes widened. “No! It... it could not have been. After that despicable shrew make allegations against her honour, there was… well, the midwife spoke to her and examined her. She is virgo intacto.”

Ox inhaled sharply at that. “Did someone…”

”Visual examination only,” Viktor hurried to add. “No one... no one touched her. No one needs to die, I hope... although I was not present, Ruusa was.”

Ox nodded remembering the small dark-haired girl that Amen had been so happy to assail with his charms.

“Ruusa is staying with her now,” Viktor continued. “She… well, she is good at making Anna respond, but Anna has not talked to even her.”

Ox nodded. It made sense. Women were like that - they tended to be closer to each other than anyone male. “I will ask Awa to go talk to her,” he rumbled quietly. “Perhaps she will be able to persuade her to talk.”

Viktor nodded. “That is good.”

Ox watched the priest bite his lip in the way that had become so familiar and endearing in the years that had passed. “Shall we… shall we go have a game?” the priest asked. ”I don’t know about you but I need to stop thinking about this.”

Ox nodded. “Aye.”

He would not mind spending more time in the priest’s company. Not at all.


His cheek throbbed viciously where the bear’s claws had struck, but Lordi did not care. The blood was still hot on his tongue as he stalked through the forest, his fury still burning bright and bold.

He had driven her away.

His sweet, beautiful Anna, the one who had stolen his black heart all those years ago… had run from him. In disgust, in fright... both emotions she had never shown in his presence!

Lordi growled deep in his throat, his claws striking out to tear deep into the bark of an ancient pine. He should not have given in to his desire to take her! She might have been overcome by the effect he had on all women but as soon as she had had but a moment to let her head clear, she had fled.

She had ran from him, to her family, to her groom-to-be, to her life as nothing more than another one of their mindless flock.

Every fibre of his being was screaming for him to go find her, to claim her, to take her as his no matter what her wants - she was his, had always been so, had been happy to be so! - but he would not.

She did not want to be his.

He would never be able to hurt her. Never. And if he took her, if he brought her to his lair and made her his for eternity… he would hurt her. He could not bear the thought of seeing tears in her blue eyes, of ever seeing that fear and loathing again.

She was lost to him forever. She could have been resting in the cold depths of earth, her spirit long passed, and she could not have been further away from his reach.

The rage rose in him and he threw his head back, howling out his frustration and pain.


Silently like only the dead can, Awa made her way to where she knew Anna rested. There was no light but for the half-moon hanging heavy in the sky.

The door opened without a sound and she glided into the room; the little light that came through the window turned Anna’s pale face as ashen as that of the sorceress as she lay on the bed, deep asleep.

The sorceress felt a stab of worry in her heart as she made her way to the bed and sat on the edge, gently reaching out to stroke the pale hair.

“Please don’t wake her, ma’am,” the quiet whisper came as a surprise. “It is rare she can sleep for true.”

Awa’s cat-eyes narrowed as she looked at the direction of the whisper; the door to the dressing room was ajar and a small girl, not much older than Anna, was standing there wearing nothing but a shift.

Of course... this had to be Ruusa, Anna’s maid. The one Amen coveted; no other would have dared to speak upon seeing a spectre.

Without words, Awa rose from the bed and slid over the floor, where the girl stood, trembling slightly. But there was no true fear in those clear grey eyes, only worry and resolve. .

“Then you will tell me, little one,” Awa cooed softly, “What is it that keeps her from my liege.”

The girl bit her lip and looked at Anna before answering. “I don’t know,” she whispered. “She won’t talk to me about it. She won’t talk to anyone, not even pastor Belan.”

Awa listened to the girl tell of how Anna had returned form the woods in a complete state of dishabille, bleeding and shaken; how the girl had not done much beyond crying ever since, as if all life had been sapped from her by whatever had happened in the woods.

”She asked Viktor to post the banns, ma’am,” Ruusa said quietly. “It’s like she no longer cares what will happen to her. I... I fear she will do herself harm, if she stays like this.”

The sorceress nodded, closing her eyes for a moment. “You will stay with her, won’t you, little one? To make sure she will not come to harm by this.”

The girl nodded vigorously. “Yes, ma’am. I will do my best. I worry for her so…”

Despite the determination in her voice and expression, Ruusa’s eyes held the gleam of unshed tears. Her worry and anxiety were nearly palpable, threatening to rise to the fore.

Gently, Awa reached out to stroke the trembling girl’s face. “You can cry, little one,” she whispered quietly.


It was late in the eve of the day of the third banns that Viktor found himself pacing in the church, distraught.

There was naught he could do; it was all but done now, that Anna would be wed to the arrogant fool of a boy. In three days’ time he would marry them in this very same church…

His train of thought was interrupted by the sound of the side door quickly opening and closing; Viktor spun around to see whom it was that had come seeking him.

“Miss Silvia,” he said, barely hiding the distaste she felt as he recognized her. “What is it that brings you here?”

The woman smiled coyly from the depths of her hood, “Oh, I came to see you, Viktor,” she practically purred.

Viktor frowned; why was she wearing a cloak when it was warm outside, with no hint of rain? “Is your spirit troubled, then, that you would wish to speak with a priest?”

“Oh, it is not my spirit that is troubled,” she said in the same insidious purr as she slowly made her way to where Viktor stood. “And I don’t want to talk.”

Viktor gasped when she let her cloak fall open, revealing what she wore underneath; he had seen whores more decently dressed!

“For God’s sake, woman, what are you thinking?” he blurted out was he took a step back. “This is a house of God, how dare you come here attired like...”

”Like a common trollop?” she laughed and stalked forward. “What, you don’t like this?” She pouted. “Would you have preferred me looking all sorts of lost and innocent like that little whore my brother will marry?”

How dare she speak of Anna? “You harlot,” he said quietly, “Have no right to speak ill of her.”

Again, the woman laughed, throwing her head back. “Really, Viktor, you don’t have to pretend to me... I know you’ve been sviving her, everyone does.”

Viktor was too shocked by her brazenness to answer.

Silvia smirked. “I saw that little love bite on her neck,” she purred, “Do you like it rough, Viktor? Do you want to just bend me over that altar and…”

Her words snapped Viktor out of his stupor, “Enough, woman!” He snarled. “Do not blaspheme in the house of God. Leave or you will find yourself in the stocks!”

Again, the blasted woman laughed! “Hardly, Viktor… my uncle is the bishop. Don’t you think he would quite disapprove of such treatment of his darling niece?”

Before Viktor could answer, the side door opened again; his eye flicked to the newcomer, relief flooding over him. Ruusa was someone who would not misunderstand the situation.

”I suggest you leave, miss Silvia,” he said again, his voice firm.

The blonde glanced over her shoulder and snorted. “What, think the little mouse will squeal?”

Before Viktor could answer, Ruusa dashed forward. “Pastor Belan,” the girl called out. “Master Erik would like to have a word with you. He will be here soon.”

Viktor felt relief flood over him as he saw the blonde’s expression sour. “Leave,” he said for one more time. “Now.”

”Don’t think this is it,” Silvia snarled as she pulled her cloak back around her. “Bastard!”

Viktor watched her sweep past Ruusa imperiously and slam the door behind her.

“That was unpleasant,” he remarked as he looked at Ruusa. “Now, is Erik coming or...”

”I... I lied, Pastor,” the girl blushed and lowered her eyes. “I’m sorry but I thought you wanted to be rid of her.”

”So I did,” Viktor said quietly. “I am sure your lie is already forgiven. Now, why did you really come to see me?”


Strong hands caressed her, trailing fire over Ruusa’s skin as she moaned.

She felt heat gather at the pit of her stomach, heavy and all consuming, curling around her spine and centering between her legs. Hot gusts of air ghosted over her aching flesh, followed by tender, wicked touches that should not have felt so divine. It all built to an unbearable peak, crashing through her body in a wave of ecstasy.

Ruusa woke with a strangled gasp, her entire body flushed with heat and her heart hammering in her chest.

She blinked, seeing the low ceiling of the chamber she slept in, and despite the tremors still going through her body she knew it had to have been a dream. Thank God.

The slow, wet flick of a tongue along her inner thigh proved otherwise.

Ruusa’s eyes widened and she choked back a scream as she realized that Amen was crouched over her, a wicked grin on his torn face.

“You really are sweet, sister,” the mummy rasped, his tongue flickering out as if to lick his lips.

Ruusa trembled, every muscle in her body tensing as Amen slowly crawled up the bed, looming over her; his eyes gleamed eerie blue in the dark as he bent his head, the same wicked tongue flickering out to lick Ruusa’s cheek.

“Please,” she managed to whisper, “Don’t…”

”Don’t what, sweet sister?” he chuckled, his breath hot against her face. “You want this, don’t you? Your body cries out for it, yearns to be touched by skilled hands…”

As he spoke, his rough hand ran over Ruusa’s thigh pushing the fabric of her shift even further up than her hips. It sent a deep shiver down her spine, a shiver born of anticipation of the sinful pleasure he’d wreaked upon her. God help her, but she wanted it. She wanted him to inflame her with his touch.

“No,” she whispered despite the cries of her body, “Please…”

”No?” he tilted his head, clicking his tongue. “Really?”

The hand under her shift slid upwards, gently cupping her breast. “Think of what you will be missing out on, sister,” he rasped as his thumb stroked across the bud, eliciting a whimper from Ruusa. “I could bring you to unimaginable heights of pleasure, make you weep with rapture and joy as your body sings praise to the gods… make you beg and whimper and cry until the very universe hangs on the brink of your satisfaction…”

His heated words made Ruusa tremble; she arched her back involuntarily pressing into his touch as she closed her eyes, trying to force away the sinful waves of yearning his words brought forth.

“But you don’t want that, do you?” The words were accompanied by a sudden loss of touch, of heat, leaving her cold and wanting.

Ruusa’s eyes snapped open and she stared at Amen, who was now standing next to her bed, his arms crossed across his chest as he regarded her.

“Please,” she heard herself whisper. “Don’t...”

”Don’t what, sister?” Amen leered, tilting his head. “Don’t go? Or don’t ever come back?”

Ruusa closed her eyes, shivering in anticipation. “Don’t go.”


Amen grinned at her words. “As you wish,” he rasped as he stepped forward to join her on the bed.

He pulled her up, so he could nuzzle and lick the sweet skin of her neck, paying special attention to the rapid pulse, as his hands slid under the thin shift an began to divest her of it. Oh, he had been right when he called her tasty. He could have spent quite a bit of eternity just tasting every spot on her body, from the hollows of her collarbones to the tips of her breasts…

Well, now that made her jump.

Amen grinned and looked up from where he was slowly rubbing his tongue over the sensitive nub; from the look on Ruusa’s face, she was definitely liking that. Her eyes were closed and her hands clenched the bedclothes with knuckles white as bone.

”You can touch,” Amen paused his ministrations long enough to grin, “I won’t crumble.”

He tilted his head, his tongue finding the tip of her other breast. He felt her hands shyly grasp his shoulders, and when he nipped gently, her response was a satisfying gasp accompanied by the tightening of her grip.

Amen felt her tremble as he began to taste a path down her body, to the apex of her thighs; despite having been asleep for when he first got a taste of her womanhood, she knew what was to come - the anticipation was clear in the way she arched her body into his touch.

His tongue delved deep into her body, past the barrier of her innocence. She whimpered, her fingers digging deep into his shoulders as he ruthlessly lapped at her core; she was even sweeter when she spent and he wanted another taste.

It did not take long for his expert ministrations to bring her to completion. He looked up at her, noticing her dazed expression.

“More?” He grinned. “Or maybe, you want something different?”

Her expression became that of confusion, and Amen grinned again, crawling up her body to slowly run his tongue over the shell of her ear.

”I want to take you,” he whispered, stroking her face. “Do you want it, sister? To have me fulfil that deep yearning in you, to take you across the brink of ecstasy in a way you never believed possible?”

Amen could feel her hesitation, the desire to cling to her virtue, in the way she tensed. ”It will be good,” he reassured her gently, nuzzling her face. “It will be... divine.”

Slowly, she relaxed in his arms; the whispered “Yes…” would have been too quiet for a mortal to hear.

Amen grinned. “Yes, sister,” he purred, “Just relax.”

He made short work of the fastenings of his kilt, freeing himself to claim her; the same ancient magic that kept him walking now coursed through his body like blood once had, fuelled by his lust for her sweet flesh.

Ruusa was ready and willing for him, her legs parting eagerly as her grey eyes met his; there was no cry as he sheathed himself in her body, only a pained gasp. Amen groaned at the feel of her body, so very hot and tight and so very alive.

He began to thrust, slow and deep; he intended to fulfil his promise, to bring her to peaks of unimaginable pleasure before he was done with her.

Ruusa’s head was thrown back and her eyes squeezed shut; soft gasps escaped her lips and her hands clutched his shoulders tightly. If not for the way she moved, ever-so-slightly, he could not have told if it was pain or pleasure that made her moan.

Amen bent his head forward, his tongue flickering across her parted lips as his fingers slid between their bodies. Stroking the apex of her thighs expertly; it did not take long for her to arch her back and cry out sharply as her body tightened around him almost unbearably.

When her tongue hesitantly came to meet his, Amen, too, found his completion.


Kita tilted his head, watching the undead one pace. "Why fretting?"

She tilted her head, looking at him. "I worry. For both my liege and the precious."

Kita grunted, he could understand that. The alpha was on the hunt again this night, the scent of blood and death strong in the air. It was not right for him to hunt like this, not when he should have been busy mating with the youngling. '

"She was so very hurt," the sorceress murmured quietly, "So very distraught by whatever it was that he did to her."

Kita tilted his head, confused. "What he did?" he grunted. "More like what he didn't."

He knew Lordi had not mated with Anna. If he had, he wouldn't be killing everything in sight, and she wouldn't have run.

Females never ran after a successful mating. They might curl up and purr, or try to bite your head off, but they didn't run. Since the youngling had run, it was clear that the alpha had not been successful.

Awa shook her head. "You don't understand humans," she murmured, "And their very fragile hearts."

Kita snorted. "True."'

The undead one looked like she might have wanted to say something else, but her attention was drawn to the edge of the clearing.

It was Amen who came through the trees, his entire demeanour smug. The scent of mating was still strong on him, and Kita perked his ears, curious.

The scent mingled with the corpse's was familiar, and it did not take him long to place it; it was the human who was one of Anna's companions when she was not with pack.


"You look happy," Awa remarked. "Why?"

The corpse grinned, showing bone and teeth. "I think I found a keeper in that little sweetling Ruusa."

Kita saw the undead one's feline eyes widen. "You didn't…"

"I did," the corpse grinned. "What, you jealous?"

Kita snorted again; he had no patience for the argument they would have. He would lead the pups to hunt instead; the woods were ripe with prey.


As Ruusa left the rectory, Viktor found himself sinking into his chair, leaning his head on his hands.

Just how had it come to this?

Not only would he wed Anna to Gustav tomorrow - there had been no escape from that, no word from the Lord of the Woods nor spark of life from Anna - and after that…

After tomorrow, banns would be posted for himself and Ruusa.

The poor girl had been nearly senseless with shame and horror as she'd come to him; he had listened to her tale of wicked dreams becoming wicked deeds, of how she had let Amen claim her innocence and ruin her... and when he had asked if he should return, she had begged him to.

The desperation in the girl's voice had led to Viktor asking her if she would wed him - after all, she knew of his predilections already, and that he would not care if she was untouched or not. Indeed, he was rather certain that he would not have been able to consummate the marriage in any case.

It had taken him some convincing, but eventually Ruusa had agreed to become his wife. Now, he was left alone with his thoughts, and a desire to go find Amen and have some choice words with him. "Imbecile", "rake", and "thoughtless bastard" all came to mind.

When the knock on his door came, Viktor started; he had not realized just how much time had passed.

In the upheaval that everything was going though, the familiar game of chess he began with the bulltaur was a comfort.

"… I swear I have seen whores dressed more decently," Viktor said with vehemence as he sipped his wine. "If not for Ruusa, I don't know what I would have done."

Ox tilted his head, his green eyes regarding the priest steadily. "So she came to your rescue, then?"
"Aye," Viktor said. "She led that harlot into believing we were to be beset with more people. Ruusa can be quite resourceful…"

Viktor trailed off, not knowing just quite how to continue. "Ruusa also had the misfortune of attracting your friend's attention," he finally said quietly. "She's… distraught over the fact that she is now ruined. So I asked her to wed me."

The bulltaur's eyes widened almost comically. "You what?"

"Asked her to wed me," Viktor repeated, unable to meet the green eyes, instead, he regarded the board closely before reaching out to grasp his queen. "She will not need to fear disgrace this way; she knows that I do not care for women…"

The strong hand that clasped his wrist came as a surprise, and Viktor lifted his eyes to meet Ox's steady gaze.

"Then who do you care for?" the bulltaur's voice was a low rumble.

Viktor's mouth was too dry to answer; he felt his heartbeat speed up, his breathing turning laborious as he was slowly pulled to his feet, to stand so very close to his friend…

"Do you care for me?"

Viktor closed his eyes and nodded shyly.

He'd done his best to not to think about this, to not to have the wicked thoughts that often plagued him at the deep of the night come forth when he was with his friend… but perhaps, the thoughts had not been as wicked as he had feared.

Viktor inhaled deeply, his senses filling with the scent of leather and bone as he opened his eyes, craning his neck to be able to look Ox in the eyes.

"I care for you," he said, his voice rough. "M… more than I probably should."

The green eyes flashed, and Viktor shivered. The arm around him tightened its hold, and rough thumb stroked the inside of his wrist. "How much is that?"

For a moment Viktor was filled with fear; fear of ruining a friendship and losing the one he was in... the one he cared for... But he could not help but hope that the reason those green eyes had darkened so was a desire as strong as his…

"Enough to want you in my bed," he heard himself whisper, "Right now."

The thought of bed was forgotten as Ox growled, his hold of Viktor tightening; a large hand buried itself in his hair and Viktor found his head yanked back as the bulltaur kissed him hard.

Blunt teeth and wet tongue made thinking impossible; Viktor could only cling to Ox's broad shoulders as the bulltaur pushed him against the wall, trapping him between the hard wood and a harder body.

A strong hand came to grasp his collar, tearing the starched fabric easily; the kiss ended when Ox pulled back, grinning briefly at Viktor before he bent his head to bite the priest's beck, hard.

The blunt teeth did not break the skin but it still hurt, in a way that sent a deep shiver down Viktor's back and tore a moan from his lips as his hands came to clutch Ox's shoulders, hard enough to bruise even him. It was unlike anything he'd ever felt, and oh God the way Ox's tongue flickered over the marks…

Viktor barely noticed Ox's hand leaving his waist until it brushed against the bulge in his pants; he gasped, throwing his head back, unintentionally giving Ox better access to his throat as his hips bucked into the bulltaur's touch.

He could hear fabric tear but he couldn't bring himself to care; the rough, callused grip that took hold of him felt sinfully good. Viktor moaned, squeezing his eyes as he thrust into Ox's firm grip, his arousal starting to pool at the base of his spine.

At the sudden loss of the touch his eyes flew open; he was about to protest when Ox grinned wickedly, taking a step back and pulling Viktor along.

In what felt like a heartbeat, Viktor found himself pushed down on the floor, on top of the braided rugs; Ox was crouched over him, still grinning.

When the bulltaur bent his head, his mane falling to pool over the priest's hips, Viktor gasped. He hadn't expected this, but at the first wet, hot click of that rough tongue he was arching his back, his hands fisting the rug.

He was intensely aware of the powerful blunt teeth that were but a hair's breadth away from his flesh as Ox ran his tongue over Viktor's heated skin, bringing forth feelings the priest had never experienced. It neared on unbearable bliss, barely tempered by the danger.

It was the scrape of those teeth that brought Viktor over the edge, unexpected and near-painful in its intensity. His back arched and a strangled cry escaped his lips as he bucked into the bulltaur's mouth, his release washing over him like a tidal wave.

When Viktor finally gained his senses back, he found himself kneeling, leaning into Ox's embrace. His laborious berthing was filled with his friend's musky scent as the rough hands stroked his back calmingly.

"Good, yes?" Ox rumbled.

Viktor nodded, his hair flopping to his face. "Oh, God yes," he croaked.

Ox's chuckle gave Viktor a flash of determination; he would make sure his friend got the same satisfaction out of this encounter, to the best of his ability.

He knew he didn't dare to do the same as Ox had done to him; he didn't trust himself well enough, but if he could just get his hands under that blasted leather…

With another chuckle, Ox helped him to find the buckles of his belts. Viktor felt his cheeks flush as he fumbled, but after what felt like a small eternity his hand closed around heated, throbbing flesh.

Ox hissed, throwing his head back; Viktor was emboldened by this response and began to stroke the bulltaur hard and fast, leaning close.

When he bit Ox's neck tentatively, a large hand came to grip the back of his head, tangling into his hair; for a heartbeat, Viktor thought he would be yanked back but instead the hand pressed down, encouraging him.

He was more than happy to oblige.

It was when Viktor ran his tongue under the cold metal of the chain circling Ox's neck that his ministrations bore fruit; the bulltaur tensed, throwing his head further back than he priest had though possible and bellowed, his completion spilling all over Viktor's hand.

Viktor watched in slight daze as Ox grinned and grasped his wrist, lifting the stained hand. The rough tongue flicked out to run over Viktor's palm, sending a deep shiver through his body.

Damn, he felt like he was fifteen again!

Before Viktor could say anything, Ox glanced over his shoulder and reached to the table where their game still stood. He moved a piece before he looked back at Viktor, grinning.



Anna stared at her reflection in the mirror listlessly, as Ruusa ran the thick brush through her golden hair.

It was the night before her wedding and she should have been filled with joyous anticipation, mixed with dread, but all she could feel was the gnawing sorrow that had been her constant companion of the past weeks, filling her with a hollow ache that made her not care.

Tomorrow, she would wed Gustav. The day after, she would leave for Uleåborg with her new husband, to never come back to live in her home, to never again visit the wood or see her friends….

The thought sent a fresh wave of sorrow through her; tears rose in her eyes, slowly trailing down her cheeks. .

Ruusa paused and laid the brush aside as she came to crouch next to Anna’s chair, wrapping her arms around the blonde. “Please don’t cry, miss,” the maid whispered.

It was as if her gentle words had broken a dam within Anna; she felt something shatter within her as the tears burst forward, huge sobs wreaking upon her body as she fell into Ruusa’s embrace.

“How can I not?” Anna sobbed, squeezing her eyes shut. “I will never see a happy day in my life again!”

She felt Ruusa’s arms tighten around her, as the words kept spilling from her lips. “I love him,” she whispered, “I love him with all my heart and soul, I always have… and he turned me away. Oh God I wish I hadn’t been so foolish he hates me now. If only I had not... if I hadn’t I would still have my friend and I could be with him. But I wanted so much more and he hates me…”

As Ruusa held her, Anna choked out what had happened that fateful night; how she had dared to kiss Lordi, how he had responded... how she had felt her heart burst with joy... how he had looked at her in disgust and anger when she had asked for more and how she’d fled, unable to bear it…

“I love him,” she whispered hoarsely as Ruusa gently brushed a handkerchief over her cheeks to wipe away the tears. “I can never love another. He’s in my heart, in my head, I… I’m his, even if he doesn’t want me, I’ve always been his…”

Anna knew the words she spoke were true, she could feel it I every fiber of her being, the fact that she belonged to him; the mark on her neck where he’d bitten her throbbed viciously, as if in agreement.

She did not resist as Ruusa led her to the bed and allowed herself be wrapped in the covers as if she were a small child. She watched Ruusa sit on the edge of the bed with eyes sore from tears.

“It will be al right miss,” the girl cooed, for a moment reminding Anna of Awa; a fresh surge of sorrow fell upon her at the thought of never seeing her friend again. “Please, miss… rest. You will feel better in the morning.”

No I won’t! Anna wanted to scream; she would be wed to a complete stranger, forever separated from Lordi, taken away from her home and never again to set foot in the woods... but the exhaustion from crying for so very long was heavy upon her and she could only shake her head weakly as her eyes slowly closed.

Mercifully, she fell into dreamless sleep.


Ruusa watched Anna slowly drifting away with a tempest of emotions raging within her; now she knew what had happened, what had driven Anna away from the woods… not abuse, like she had feared, like everyone had feared, but rejection.

How could the Lord of the Woods have rejected her?

Ruusa knew it was not her place to ever dare to question him; he was the Lord of the Woods, a creature of myth and legend and immense power, far above mortal ken. But she couldn’t help it; Anna had always been so very loved by the Lord! Why had he turned her away? Why had he rejected her?

The thoughts jumbled in her head and Ruusa rose, nearly stumbling. She would have to talk to the Pas… no, Viktor about this. The man she had trouble thinking of as her future husband would know what to do! He knew the wood-beasts so very well, after all, and had dealt with the Lord himself…

It was easy enough for Ruusa to make her way to the rectory without being seen; the sky was dark and clouded, thunder breaking in the distance. But as hard as she knocked at the door, there was no answer.

Ruusa felt despair well in her; where could Viktor be? He was not in the church, nor in the rectory... perhaps he had been called elsewhere? But Silvia, the wonderful bay mare so unlike her namesake the shrew was in the stables…

It was almost without thinking that Ruusa’s feet led her to the edge of the woods. She knew that she was out of her mind to even think about going to the woods alone, to go to the Lord of the Woods and…

And what? To beg him to reconsider? To ask him why he had rejected Anna? A part of Ruusa was almost tempted to let him hear what exactly she thought of men who played with the hearts of young, innocent girls but... Lord of the Woods was no man.

She stumbled on, through the darkened paths. She just knew she had to go to him. She had to try to make this right.

Ruusa could not bear the thought of watching Anna wed like a lamb led to slaughter, not when Anna loved another with all her heart.

She did not know how deep in the forest she was, or if she was running in circles. She had pressed on for what felt like hours, had to have been hours! The sun’s rays were starting to turn the sky a warm amber, heralding the morning of the day her mistress would be wed…

The low, dangerous growl took her by surprise; Ruusa stumbled, falling on her hands and knees. Her heart hammered in her chest and blood rushed through her ears as she looked around frantically, trying to see where it had come.

When her eye landed on the creature standing at the edge of the small clearing, not ten yards form her, she gasped; she felt as if her heart would stop with the sheer terror of his magnificence.

Tall, taller than any man, winged and horned, the lord of the Woods was everything Ruusa had ever dared to imagine - and more. The hellfire of his eyes burned with wrath and blood dripped from his fangs as he stalked forward, his clawed hand holding a wicked-looking axe.

“You dare to come to my woods, girl?”


The girl’s eyes widened at his words; Lordi could hear her heart speeding up, could smell the fear and desperation welling up in the foolish little girl…

“I…” the girl tried to speak he words tying on her lips as he stalked forward.

”Well?” He growled, towering over her. “What has brought you here?”

“I came to seek you!” the words spilled from the girl’s lips, almost too fast to discern. “I beg you, Lord, hear me out!”

Her words startled Lordi, and he tilted his head, regarding her more closely. There was something about her that was familiar - a lingering scent of dust and….

“You come form her,” he snarled. “Why does she send you? Is she too afraid to come to me?”

The thought stabbed deeply into his heart and he snarled, his grip of his axe tightening. It did not matter if his... if Anna feared the woods, she was lost to him!

“She… she doesn’t know I came, Lord,” the girl whispered as she scrambled, to rise on her knees if not her feet. “She… she’s heartbroken, Lord. You are killing her!”

Her words struck a painful chord through him, ad he turned away from her, taking a few long strides. He could never hurt Anna!

“Please, Lord,” the girl was pleading. “Don’t turn her away from you. Please, if she cannot have your love, please at least grant her your friendship!”

“She ran from me!” Lordi roared, striking out; the blade of his axe was buried deep in the trunk of an ancient fir.

“She ran from me,” he repeated in a low growl, again stalking towards the cowering girl. “She ran from me in fear and loathing!”

The girl’s eyes grew wide at his words. “She... she thought you rejected her, Lord,” she whispered. “She… she believes you were disgusted by her wickedness.”

“She ran,” he said for one more time, his voice low and hoarse.

“Anna could not bear the thought of your displeasure, Lord,” the girl said softly. “She ran because you are everything to her.”

It was impossible to deny the conviction, the truth in the girl’s words - he could understand it now, he could se it clearly, too clearly, how his little Anna could have mistaken his disgust at the idea of taking her upon the filthy ground as a disgust towards her…. How could he have been so foolish as to let her run, to believe…

Anger welling up within him, he threw his head back and howled.


It had not been Awa’s intention to follow her liege, but at the sound of him talking to someone, and then howling with such anger and frustration that she had never heard anything like it, she could not help but speedily slide into the clearing.

Her cat-eyes widened as he saw Ruusa kneeling on the ground before Lordi, whose wings were unfurled and his expression that of unadulterated fury and determination. What could have caused it?

When the hellfire eyes turned her way, Awa froze.

“Awa!” her liege growled, “Stay with her.”

Without waiting for her reply, he stalked way from the clearing, through the woods; he didn’t pause as he yanked his axe out of a tree, just strode on, leaving the mighty fir trembling.

Awa quickly glided over the ground to where Ruusa was shaking on the ground. “Why are you here, child?” She asked gently, crouching to take the girl’s face in her hands. “Why did you invite his ire?”

”I... I had to come,” the girl whispered, terror slowly abating from her eyes. “I had to come ask him to come for Anna.”

Awa listened as the girl slowly choked out the entire story; Anna’s teary confession, the girl’s attempt at finding the priest, how Ruusa had stumbled through the forest until she found Lordi and had told the beast the truth of Anna’s feelings.

“He has her heart,” Ruusa whispered as Awa gently drew her into her arms, “But... does he care for her?”

Awa sighed gently, stroking Ruusa’s tangled curls as they embraced on the cold ground, “Little one… Anna is his heart.”

For a long moment she just held the shivering girl, who did not seem to mind it at all. Awa wondered just what Lordi would do; would he go to Anna? Or would he think she would be better off wedded to a human, no matter how deep it would scar his heart?

Awa shook her head. He would not let Anna go - not like that. Not when the girl was so heartbroken that she had lost her will to live.

The scent of long-dead dust came with the wind, and Awa raised her head to see Amen striding to the clearing. It was obvious from the leer on his face that he was about to deliver a lewd comment, but as soon as their eyes met, his expression changed.

”What is this?” he said instead as he approached. “What brings you here, sweet sister?”

Ruusa lifted her head, her eyes growing wide at the sight of Amen. “I…”

”She came to ask Lordi to come for Anna,” Awa said gently, sparing the girl the need to go through the tale again. “And he has gone.”

Amen tilted his head, clicking his tongue. “So he’s finally stopped thinking. Good.”

Awa sighed; Amen’s way of thinking was more akin to Kita’s than that of someone who knew the power of emotions... but she did not wish to argue, not now.

She felt Ruusa start to tremble in her arms, but it was not born of fear, or desire. No, Awa realized that the girl has been running through the woods all night and must have been on the brink of complete exhaustion.

“Come, little one,” she cooed, slowly letting go of Ruusa. “Let us go somewhere where you can rest.”

”Let me help,” Amen said with a grin, suddenly looming over them and scooping Ruusa into his arms; the girl shrieked, but her arms came to rest around the mummy’s neck anyway as she nestled against his broad chest.

Awa rolled her eyes as she rose gracefully, laying a hand on Ruusa’s arm. ”Do not fear, little one,” she murmured. “You will be safe.”


Ox grunted; something was intruding into his dreams, the lush fields disappeared as he became increasingly aware of the hot, wet pressure that felt immensely good…

His eyes snapped open, and he saw Viktor grin.

“‘Morning,” the priest mumbled briefly as he bent his head again, his lips and tongue assaulting Ox’s sensitive shaft with renewed enthusiasm.

The bulltaur threw his head back and hissed, trying to keep his powerful hips from bucking into the wet heat of Viktor’s mouth. The priest had a wicked tongue on him, one that was teasing Ox to the edge with alarming alacrity.

The thought of letting go, of letting Viktor’s sweet lips tear his climax form him was tempting; but Ox wanted more than that. Something he’d craved ever since he’d first laid eyes on the priest…

His hand shot down, grasping Viktor by the hair; a gentle tug made the priest stop and lift his head. “Something wrong?”

”No,” Ox rumbled, his grip shifting to Viktor’s shoulder as he yanked the man up into a lustful kiss. Claiming the priest’s lips with teeth and tongue he flipped them over, his heavy body covering Viktor’s s nearly completely.

“That’s not how I want it, not this time,” Ox rumbled, stroking a hand down the priest’s body. “I want to take you.”

For a moment, Viktor’s expression was that of confusion but as Ox’s hand slid down, past his burgeoning erection, his eyes widened in understanding.

“I… I’ve never done that, “ the priest choked.

Ox felt surprise well up in him; he had not thought Viktor to be inexperienced, not with the way he’d acted earlier… he felt a slow wave of satisfaction creep over him as he realized he would be the first - and only! - to take his mate in this manner.

“Will you let me?” he rumbled, tilting his head.

For a moment Viktor seemed to hesitate, but when he nodded, it was firmly. “Aye,” the priest whispered. “I want you to.”

Ox gave him a toothy grin. “Good,” he rumbled.

Without further ado he leaned forward to kiss Viktor fast and hard before he flipped the slight frame over, his blunt teeth finding the nape of his neck easily, Viktor moaned at the contact, bracing himself on his arms as Ox began to bite his way down the curved spine.

The bulltaur knew three would not be anything of use here - but he had no intention of hurting Viktor when he took him. . so there was only one thing he could do…

Viktor’s head shot up and he gasped when Ox ran his tongue over the backs of his thighs; when his tongue found its mark, the gasp became a moan and the priest’s head dropped again, sweat-soaked curls sticking to the nape of his neck as his hips bucked in Ox’s grasp.

The bulltaur grinned and continued his ministrations; the way Viktor was reduced into whimpering, into begging with ease was something he would remember - but now, he only wanted to make sure the priest was well-prepared.

When he pulled back, Viktor’s moans became those of disappointment, but as his hand slid around the priest’s hip, grasping hardened flesh and stroking firmly, Viktor was reduced to gasping again.

As Ox positioned himself the slight shoulders tensed. The bulltaur growled quietly, reassuringly; his hand left Viktor’s hip to briefly to stroke the reddened nape of the priest’s neck as he leaned forward. “Do you want it?”

”Yes,” Viktor whimpered, “God, yes…”

Ox grunted; his hands returned to Viktor’s hip as he began to slowly press forward, into the heat of his mate’s body.

There were no words for how good it felt. Ox growled, fighting the urge to slam forward, to take, to claim… he squashed it ruthlessly; he would not hurt Viktor, not like this.

Slowly, he pushed all the way in, drawing moans from Viktor’s lips. He paused for a moment, letting his mate adjust to the feeling before he began to slowly move his hips, revelling in the feeling of Viktor’s warm flesh.

“Ox,” the priest whispered brokenly, arching his back: “P-please. More.”

The need in Viktor’s voice was unmistakable. Ox growled, his hips snapping forward in a quick, nearly violent thrust. It tore a scream from Viktor, the priest’s back arching even further.

“Oh God yes,” Viktor groaned, “Oh God Ox…”

The Bulltaur did not need further encouragement. He growled again, gripping Viktor harder as he began to thrust hard and fast. Viktor gasped, throwing his head back a he arched under Ox’s touch, his sweat-slicked back pressing against the hard chest.

Ox bent his head, burying his blunt teeth into Viktor’s shoulder, that tore a scream from the priest, but he met Ox’s thrusts even more eagerly.

Furiously, the bulltaur drove into him, his teeth nearly gnawing into Viktor’s shoulders as his tongue lashed at the marks that quickly bruised into livid red.

Their savage coupling soon came to an end; Ox threw his head back and bellowed as he crashed past the point of no return. A tidal wave of pleasure burned thorough his core as he emptied himself deep within Viktor, barely avoiding collapsing on top of him.

Still out of breath, Ox grinned and reached beneath Viktor’s body, finding the hard, hot flesh; it only took him a few strokes to bring Viktor into a climax that had the priest’s eyes rolling back in his head as he slumped on the mattress.

They lay there together, sated and almost lulled into the sweet embrace of sleep once more when the knock on the door came.


The hunt for the wounded deer had led Kita and his pups to near where the humans made their lairs.

He did not like it; the pups would do well to be wary of humans.

Although most of them were harmless - like the loud bitch crashing through the underbrush, heading where Kita and the pups lay in wait - some of them were cunning and strong enough to slay wolves; good fighters, brave hunters.

But most of them weren’t. Especially not this bitch.

Kita could hear her speak loudly, to the think air. “… last time I take a shortcut, bloody idiot wasn’t good enough of a lay…”

The beast growled quietly, his hackles rising as the bitch came in sight; the stale scent of mating wafted from her, bitter and sharp; this was no one’s bitch, but one who laid wherever she could land, and the stench sickened him.

“… How dare that bastard of a priest turn me down? I, Silvia Nott? He should have been crawling at my feet, not running back to that little whore, little miss Saint Anna, my ass…”

The mention of the priest made Kita growl louder. Had the bitch tried to make the priest to mate with her, when it was obvious that he was already taken as a mate by the bulltaur? And the tone of the bitch’s voice spoke of Anna with derision - such disrespect toward one higher in pack should not be tolerated. Anna was, after all - or would be - the Alpha’s bitch.

The bitch stumbled into the clearing and froze as he saw Kita. Kita growled, rising to two legs form his customary crouch and started to slowly stalk towards her.

”Oh God!” the bitch’s eyes went wide and the stench of fear filled Kita’s nostrils. “Please God, don’t kill me, don’t hurt my beautiful face, Ill do anything just don’t…”

The words were cut out by a strangled scream as Kita leaped, his powerful jaws locking around her face and biting down with a wet, sickening crunch.

As her lifeless body fell on the ground, Kita landed on all fours and spat, the strips of skin and flesh upon his teeth unpleasant. She tasted just as rotten as she smelled.

But the pups, slowly circling the carcass didn’t seem to think so.

Kita grunted encouragingly, as the pups gathered to feed.


Gustav was grateful of the clouds that had started to roll in, darkening the sky. The bright sun cut into his drink-sore eyes, and the clouds were a small blessing in what was proving out to be an abysmal day.

First, his bride’s maid had disappeared - off with some man, no doubt of that. The peasants were all like that. Then his sister had been nowhere to found! Gustav knew, though, where she must have been.

After all, why else would have the priest been so magnificently late? No doubt his sister was in the rectory, probably brazenly asleep in the pastor’s bed while everyone else was suffering through this little mockery of a wedding.

In less than an hour it would be over, Gustav thought as he stood before the altar, waiting for Ulfsson to bring his bride in.

He did not know just what to expect, but when Anna stepped in, Gustav found himself nodding appreciatively. The dress she wore was white-gold samite, embroidered with pearls; it must’ve cost a fortune, and proved that he was indeed marrying someone who would provide him with great wealth.

As they slowly shuffled down the aisle, Gustav found himself growing impatient. It was clear that the girl was crying and all that - really, foolish women, always weeping at the drop of a hat. He could only hope she didn’t ruin the dress with her incessant weeping.

He supposed she looked all right in the dress - not that he cared. She was not too hideous to make sure the marriage was consummated, even though he did not intend to touch her more than was necessary to get a son to continue the family line. After all, he preferred his women lusty, not inexperienced, fearful little waifs who would keep weeping and crying and make it a chore instead of a pleasure.

After what felt like an eternity, Ulffson brought the girl to him and Gustav grasped her hand in his, turning to face the priest. Belan’s eyes were dark and his brow furrowed as he looked at Gustav first, then the weeping girl.

The girl did not raise her eyes to look back and the young man smiled grimly. That was good - the faster he got her away from the bastard of a priest, the better.

The priest began to speak. His voice loud and clear. “We have gathered here…”

A sudden loud crash at the church doors jolted everyone, Gustav included. He let go of his bride’s hand and spun around, only to witness the doors slamming open as thunder clashed upon the sky.

And then the Devil himself strode into the church.


ATTENTION: THE FINAL CHAPTER HAS BEEN FLOCKED DUE TO STRIKETHROUGH 07. If this causes an issue, poke me and I willf riend you/send it to you if you don;t have an eljay.

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fan fiction, lordi, lordific, writing, älä mene metsään

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