Arrrr! (and real life)

May 12, 2006 17:39

First, meanderings on what Ara Did On Her Little TRip:

So, I went to the city. Met dad. Hung around the conventiopn a little. drooled after shiny Leatherman products. Then, I made my way to the city and did a bit of shopping. a book by Jack Higgins (The Eagle has Flown), Mom's prezzuie for Mothers' Day, some incense, a, eh, toy (wehich proved out to be less than satisfactory. Sucks.) and some organic tea and sugar. And - a vest. that vest is ABSOLUTELY perect for ROpecon, and I wore it for ourr rather abbreviated dinnber.

You see, I met Dad at the hotel and got dressed to the nines - my brown floofy skirt, a black top, and my newe vest. And my boots of DOOM. but then? dad had a cocktail party to go to. So outr dibnner was REALLY quick grab of chinese, and my food was godawful, His was SO much better, thus I shall order that the next time we go there.

He headed off to the party, I went to get us some movie ticketrs. after a wqucik trip to the hotel (Holiday Inn, woo. never did know OUlu has one of those...) I spent the next hour and a half imbibing alcohol at the hotel bar. then I went to puyt on some sensible showes, and headed off to see Mission Impossible 3 with Dad.

One word: Awesome. and dad slept through it, as usual. Got to admirte his ability to sleep through all those bangs...

and the trailers?`ZOMG THE TRAILERS! the DMCTrailer hads be squee and go gaga andf embarras myself greatly. it was SO of the awsome. And gave me Ideas. Beyond that,m there was a trailer for X3, which looke dawesome, abnd Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift wehich did not seem that awesome but slashy as hell.

after that, to the hotel and to sleep. Which eas amusing - his room was 'only equipped with one bed so there was one of those fliimsy extra beds provided. It broke. so we squeezed into the single - me, in my 5´9, 300+ lbs glory, he in his 6/230... it was, how should I say... an intereting experience. And probably cotributed to tghe angst that led to Ara not gettiong a dog.

Yesterday, we woke, had breakffast, and he headed off to the convention and I went shopping. Bought bling :D and two new purses, pink and black, some hair things, nail polish (and the nice lady did my nails for free!) some random little things and a new book. the Undomestiic Goddess. bona fide hick lit. am looking forweard to reading it...

met Dad at Stockman. tossed my things int he car and went to get some fgroceries with him. Got a bit fancy qanf thuis my kitchen has some awesome stockage (lemon grass! Pickled ginger! Basil oil!) and... well, I wanted to buy a steak to make yesterday. He ended up picking me a 4-lbs roast. Oh well.

We stuck the food int he car and then went off to take care of some troubnles dad had with his ATM card. so, that was resolved with him remebering the PIIN rather than fumbling, and we went to have a late lunch at the Fransmanni. it was quite of the awesome... yummty escargot and absolutely awesome steak.. and the cream-garlic potatoes? to. die. for.

then.. well, I asked dad if he¨d buy me a neew bra. He siad yes. Which ledf to a minor shopping stpree at Bette... and dear God, I still canpt believe how much money we spent there but.. for the first time ever, i have actual pretty unfderthins in great amounts. Dzad apaprently saw me go all squee and "really" happy (as opposed to what sort of happy?) and just paid despite the total being.. weh, morte than I get in a month from being an in'sane whack.o. Got to lvoe dad. When he gets around to getting, me something, he sure as hell does - no "cheapest possible!" attitude from him (unlike mom) but rather "Screw the price, only the best". Buit yah.. after that he took me to the bus station and we parted ways. I miss him like crazy already.....

So, after that...w ell, I seriously know what I want to be for next RopeCon! (and for something before that, too...)Namely, vy the time the PotC premiere hits Finland, I want to make myaself a goosd PIrate Queen-y comstume.

Screw historixcal accuracy on that one :D the vest is absolutely perfect, as is the bliong.. now I just need,. um, everything else. And to decide if I wnat to go for a thick braidd with adornements and a hat, or Jaack Sparrow-style scarf-and-"dreads" arranment.. and if I want to wear pants or a floofy skirt. and I need boots.. dear God, my kindgfdom for good boots footr this one, but not much luck there most likely.. which sucks. I suppose I could go for breeches-and-barefoot thing but.. barefoot in Ropecon, wtdf, now ay am I going to do that again

but yeah. Already know what sort the hat will be... if I go for it. Reqyuirtes buyage of a feather or two or three, and spending 20 euros on a floofy but absolutely perfect hat from Strockman.... :D

Any ideas at alll, guys? :D

pirates, domestic, rl, movies, travel, serious stuff, ropecon, food, costuming

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