
May 06, 2006 15:44

So I went to the store. Bought some stuff. Nothing unusual there. (So okay therwe were these small faux-wood tablette thingies that are gonna rock on my bedroom table but beyond that...) I also went vcia the liqor store. Intended to stock up on creme de banana, ended up buying some rriple sec and FGinlandia in addition.

Decided to buy Finlandia cause no use buying rotgut that i donpt like and feel bad about it going to waste. Good vodka is teh awesome, after all.

And so, incidentlaly, if you ever think I am getting a Problem With Alcohol.... please,t ell me so. Cause i hate to think I would go that route.

Inb other news, am looking forward to some yummy foodstuffs today... pasta salad with roast beef and cream cheese, nd bean-tomato soup with garlic and chili... should be yumy, especially with some shredded cheese and croutons :D

domestic, random, rl, food, booze

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