
Apr 22, 2006 16:53

So, less drunk now.

CVut for a looong ramble re: time home, last night, today

Back home wehat happened was... well, the usuaöl. Unbcle was being a lech and everyone treated it as a joke. Mom was okay, and dear GOD I envy her hair. it's like... like... like... *flails* MARY SUE HAIR! Mom's hair is like a sue's, only gray!

didnpt really do much back hioome. Helped Mom with her computer. Took uncle´s dog, Henna, for a walk. Made a cake for mom. Mango-raspberry-quark cake. (For the Finns, a täytekakku jossa oli vattuhilloa ja mangorahkaa :D) and... eh, not much else really. SLept a lot. Cooked for mom and sister. thety were actually amazed about my ability to cook. And brought home a lot of stuff. some books, some of my writings fropm 7th grade. My Monster Manual. and the one and only issue of Josblade :D (*glomps pnaama and Käppö*) oh, and some decorative things. and little explosives. that sort of a thing... (what the hell is a papatti in english anyway?) Other than that.. eh, it was okay. even though I haeed it.

Mom nagged,

Uncle leched.

Sirster... put me down all the fucking time. was the horriblest bitch wvweerer. Guilt-tripped me. was... just plain fucking mean. apparnbetly me calling her a "midget" hurts her feelings. But her calling me a bratty toddler or Mioss Piggy should not hurt mine. It¨s like she is pushing all of my feelings of inadequacy atgainst me . like telling me about all the crap that happened when dad supported mom and then lost his fortune, trying to dissuade me from wanting a man to take care of me. that sort of a thing 'sigh* and stressign at homw m uch a'of a cvhilsd I am and she, Mrs. Doctor id so much better.t he bitch.

other than that... eh, we came home. cleaned, then went to have pizza. . then,s hopping. We b oth got new shoes, and.. she bought me used furniture and wine glasses. the wine glasses cost more than my new bookcase. My new chairs are te awesome.t hen we came hera nd cleamn ed more. ands yes, there will be pics. of my place andfrom mom's.

we finished ckleaning, watched xXxx, had dinner., then we sort of ended up going pqrtying - thus yesterdqay's muchly rambly entry. dear GOD I drank a lot.. but she paid, so... Had fun. they played Teräsbetoni. And Nightwish. and a few other nice songs. Not Milksjhake, tho, nor any Enrique :( danced a lot... feet still hurt. Sister ran into an old classmate and gabbed a lot. I dodged a few grabby guys and had fun.

we came home, had more booxze, I made an ass outta myself on LJ and the BoM, and then.... went to bed. Had an INTERESTINg dream. can't remembe r much of it but smtfhw was setting me up on a date with a cute F3 driver and everything was all dream-like in the messy way ewhere things make no sense. Because I donpt think thatgarden shears are required for a date... and this gave me a bunny. Someone arranges a darte between two of her friends who donpt know each other. there's sparks.a dn then tabloids, because unbecknowingst to friend #"1 who doesn'ty follow racing at all, the guy is a tabloid-bait-yu racecar driver.

Anyway, after 4 hours of sleep I took sister to the bus., Ended up goiong to Oulu, taking her tto the airport, and thewn proceeded to spwend money IU do not have. But did get food and a harlequin hair things and the awesomest ring ever.

then came back home. typed up this. now, will go to bed because I need some real sleep.

travel, domestic, serious stuff, rant, rl, food, booze

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