
Sep 01, 2005 18:55

Oh dear... the FAI is my home. Mystrea strikes again...

[18:44] [Arabwel] Mystra, when will I get my gryubby little hands on Enrique?
[18:44] [Mystra] Arabwel, tomorrow afternoon.
[18:44] [RallyLunch] brb
[18:45] [Arabwel] Whee :D
[18:45] [RallyLunch] LMAO
[18:45] [RallyLunch] that's classic
[18:45] [Arabwel] wnjoy your lucnh :D
[18:45] [Arabwel] Mystra, you were lying your ass off, right?
[18:45] [Mystra] Arabwel, not bloody likely.
[18:45] [Arabwel] ...
[18:45] [RallyLunch] I'm bringing it back so I can drip stromboli grease all over the keyboard
[18:45] [Arabwel] Mystra, are you telling me that Enrique willa ctually appear on my doorstep tomorrow?
[18:45] [Mystra] Arabwel, concentrate and ask again.
[18:46] [Arabwel] *concentrates*
[18:46] [Arabwel] Mystra, are you telling me that he will appear?
[18:46] [Mystra] Arabwel, all signs point to yes.
[18:46] [Arabwel] ... bloody hell
[18:46] [Arabwel] Mystra, really?
[18:46] [Mystra] Arabwel, answer hazy.
[18:46] [Arabwel] Mystra, ashould I, just in case, lclean, then?
[18:46] [Mystra] Arabwel, most likely.
[18:46] [Arifirh] Rally, first time I've broken a string in a while :D
[18:47] [Arabwel] Mystra, if he does appear, will he mind the mess?
[18:47] [Mystra] Arabwel, no.
[18:47] [Arabwel] Oh, good
[18:47] [Arabwel] No need to clean then
[18:47] [Arifirh] I'm getting better. It's just going without guitar for a whole four days... I got a bit carried away.
[18:47] [RallyLunch] Ara, you have to put that into SS
[18:47] [Arabwel] No way :P
[18:48] [RallyLunch] it's hilarious
[18:48] [Arabwel] YOU put it there isf youwant, I am NOT embarrassing myself in the eyes of all of SP.. again...
[18:48] [Laiwethel] oh gods... that's awesome
[18:49] * Arifirh (arifirh@modem-1259.lemur.dialup.pol.co.uk) Quit (Killed (*.GameSurge.net (Ghost kill on account arifirh (requested by AriFood).)))
[18:49] [Laiwethel] Mystra, are you being entirely honest?
[18:49] * Arifirh (arifirh@modem-1710.wolf.dialup.pol.co.uk) has joined #sorcerers
[18:49] [Laiwethel] bah, she doesn't like me
[18:52] * SpellSCHOOL (~Traveller@ has joined #sorcerers
[18:52] [Mystra] [SpellSCHOOL] Enjoy every minute of today. Winter is coming.
[18:52] * Mystra sets mode: +o SpellSCHOOL
[18:52] [Arifirh] hi Spell
[18:52] [Arabwel] Mystra, were you?
[18:52] [Mystra] Arabwel, absolutely yes!
[18:52] [Arabwel] ... bloody hell
[18:52] [SpellSCHOOL] morning everyone
[18:52] [Arabwel] morning Spell
[18:52] [Octara] hi Spell
[18:52] * Arabwel contemplates hugging Mystra

irc, enrique, sp, shameless fangirling

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