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Re: 8.13 / part I arabian July 1 2017, 17:53:38 UTC
“To not put too fine a point on it, the Badass-Bromance feels lasted all of... well, pretty much not at all.” - Yeah, that was a short-lived feeling of hope, sadly.

Ah, but I've now decided that I have hope that it as renewed now that Damon is a human and they apparently ignored the need for Damon to leave MF.

“They took away from the character the three main reasons that made him so fantastic-pretty much THE reasons for most of his fans.” - You nailed it! Your entire analysis of these reasons was spot-on.

Alas, that does still remain the truth. Hey, maybe Matt Davis will be in the new season of TO and they will return some of that awesome!

“So, yeah, I don't love this version of Alaric Saltzman and I really haven't for the most part since he returned to the canvas.” - I wonder (although this is probably grasping at straws since it was never brought up or alluded to in the show) if maybe it was some kind of a long-lasting effect of Esther’s influence? Maybe the Alaric-ness got, um, irretrievably washed out of him as a result of hanging out with Esther on the Other Side? Maybe his feelings toward the people he knew before Esther got to him were forever dimished and diluted? That could serve as an additional explanation why his feelings toward people who came into his life post-Esther (Jo, his daughters) were always unwaveringly strong.

You do remember that I was advocating this over and over again during season 06, right? LOL! It never came to mention in the show, though.

“Yes, he has died lots or almost died lots… but ALL of them and they have suffered as much or more than him.” - That’s a good point. It’s also interesting that Matt is the only one from the gang who has a parent left. He lost his sister and his mother, he didn’t have it easy growing up and he might have been the only character who ever had any financial problems, but when you compare all of that to what everyone else went through… He really didn’t suffer most, which paradoxically makes sense because very often the level of empathy a person is capable of is proportionate to what they went through in their own lives.

He's also human, though, so he can't put himself in the shoes of the supernatural who feel things WAY, WAY more deeply than do the non-supernatural. There's that also.


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Re: 8.13 / part I arabian July 2 2017, 13:17:21 UTC
It's totally possible that it led to that :)

I'm just going with the fact that Esther's influence did leave a mark so with Damon no longer a vampire, they can get back to their friendship. :)

With Stefan gone, he could kind of form some kind of a triangle with her and Klaus, maybe.

I don't think they do that. If there was a triangle between Alaric and someone, I don't think it would be Caroline, I think it would be someone else. I think they would do the push/pull with Caroline and Klaus only.

Such a missed opportunity since it would've made so much sense *sigh*

Trust me, the Esther angle is covered in my TVD issues write-up.


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