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anonymous February 21 2017, 11:42:00 UTC
Great recap.

Dorian also didn't do it for me in this ep. I just didn't feel it, I don't know why.

Is Caroline crossing over to TO legit or just speculation? I never liked TO and stopped watching it after the first couple of eps, but if Caroline is gonna appear on that show I might just start watching it again :) I agree that Caroline really loves/thrives being a vampire. But I thought the same about Elena until the show suddenly told us otherwise at the end of s6.

Hasn't Elena compelled April once? Wouldn't she have remembered, too? Actually this whole compulsion-wearing-off-after-taking-the-cure came pretty much out of the blue and didn't really work for me; I mean, you're right, Katherine compelled tons of people, even in MF, but nobody seemed to remember her. Also, thinking about what this new canon means for the future: Remember how many people Damon compelled (especially to forget some really dangerous stuff). If Damon turns now and all those people start to remember than Caroline is gonna have her hands full for a while. So I really didn't like this plottwist.

I did like Steroline when they were still a couple, but lately (mainly the last two eps) I just didn't feel that much about them anymore. Maybe they will find their way back to each other, but right now Stefan is too self-centered and preoccupied with his redemption (understandable though) for me to see him getting back with Care any time soon. Also the look Care gave Ric at the end? Gave me s7-parents-vibes. Don't know yet if I like that or not. Don't get me started on Ric, I don't even really feel or care about him anymore, which I deeply regret because he has been one of my fav characters once. Last ep had my hope flare up, but I was again disappointed.

I think after Cade dying Bonnie's realm might work as a new Other Side, taking in all those supernatural beings who died and wouldn't be able to go to heaven. After all she already has experience with this kind of job, only now it comes without the pain of people passing through her.

Damon dying was unexpected, but I do not see him coming back at once (I haven't seen the promo yet, so I could be wrong of course). I think he will end up in hell and find out about Cade's weakness there or find a way to fight Cade from the inside or manage to bring down hell, while the others fight Cade in MF (of course, he will come back from hell afterwards, but I think that won't be before the end of next ep or even the following ep).

Though this pretty much felt like a filler episode to me and wasn't too bad and I'm definitely excited for what's to come.


arabian February 24 2017, 15:52:57 UTC
Is Caroline crossing over to TO legit or just speculation?

TOTAL speculation. Honestly, I don't think she's going to because of the kids, I just think that of all of the characters, Caroline and Matt are THE most likely. I know that Julie said once that if TO or TVD ended before the other, some of the characters/actors who wanted would go to the remaining show. So who knows? It probably won't happen though.

I never liked TO and stopped watching it after the first couple of eps

I'm actually not horribly fond of it. I mean, I sorta like it. But I'm mostly watching it now because a fave actor of mine recurs.

But I thought the same about Elena until the show suddenly told us otherwise at the end of s6.

REALLY? Elena made it clear from day one that she DID NOT want to be a vampire, did not like being one. The only thing she liked about it was having forever with Damon. She even told Ric that specifically in the beginning of season 06. The first 6 episodes of season 04 made it clear she didn't like it. The last couple of episodes when she was dealing with the aftereffects of turning her switch off dealt with it. Season 05 we didn't hear much about it, because 'it is what it is,' and couldn't be changed and hey, at least she had forever with Damon. And then the first batch of episodes of season 06 (talking to Ric about being a vampire, Ric getting his human-ness back) brought up discussion of her thoughts about being a vampire and her not wanting it. Caroline is literally the only one of our main vampire characters (not including the Originals) who has NEVER expressed an interest in being human.

Hasn't Elena compelled April once? Wouldn't she have remembered, too?

Yes, but April had already been initiated into the world of vampires and knew everything that had been compelled away.

Actually this whole compulsion-wearing-off-after-taking-the-cure came pretty much out of the blue and didn't really work for me

It did for me. :shrugs:

I mean, you're right, Katherine compelled tons of people, even in MF, but nobody seemed to remember her.

She didn't much though. She rarely was herself in MF, but rather pretending to be Elena and so did very little compulsion actually. Other than the boarding house lady--who she compelled to not question things--and if the lady remembers that, big whup,

Also, thinking about what this new canon means for the future: Remember how many people Damon compelled (especially to forget some really dangerous stuff).

Here's the thing, most of the people that Damon compelled dangerous stuff about are dead. Secondly, say the girl in 3.15 when Damon was teaching Stefan how to feed properly and he compelled her afterwards (snack, erase), most people have a very high threshold for how they'll fool themselves. She remembers that? She's going to tell herself she met some guys who roofied her and were into blood kink.

Now, outside of Mystic Falls, have Damon, Katherine, Stefan, etc. compelled people? Yes. Three things: 1, Damon and Katherine were not careless and sloppy, so most of their horrible crimes didn't have to be compelled away to other people. 2. Most compulsions Damon and Katherine did were for their convenience, small, little things that made their lives easier. People will remember those things and just shrug it off, as 'Oh, yeah, hmm, forgot that happened.' On the other hand, Stefan is sloppy and careless and guilt-ridden and is INCAPABLE of seeing the bigger picture. That would be why Stefan would have way more issues to clean up. Finally, we already know that Katherine was basically in hiding after she took the cure, Damon was planning on going somewhere with Elena where no one would know them (essentially hiding), not for the compulsion-wear off, but to protect him from enemies. But that hiding would work for compulsion wear-offs too.

I think after Cade dying Bonnie's realm might work as a new Other Side, taking in all those supernatural beings who died and wouldn't be able to go to heaven. After all she already has experience with this kind of job, only now it comes without the pain of people passing through her.

I think that's a very real possibility too... and in that case, she would choose who is in that realm probably.


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