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Comments 45

mridul777 October 28 2011, 06:21:12 UTC
First of All:

Team BadAss is Finally Back..and It's Official...Yay Yay Yay Yay!!Okay, it wasn't something shocking, and it would have happened nonetheless, but I am so happy it happened... Squeee!! Plus Damon's apology...Oh man....the man definitely gave me some new words that I can use in my future instead of saying "I Am Sorry"..... you've gotta admit, using those 3 lines tends to get a bit old ( ... )


arabian October 28 2011, 23:35:54 UTC
About Elena/Stefan, when Lexi was talking about the necklace and how it represented hope, I was saying, but that isn't attached to Elena, whatever hopes or things he felt for it is tied to Klaus/Rebekah.... and he is who he is now, because of Klaus and maybe Rebekah included, so why would the necklace give him hope to return into his human/vampire state?No, he isn't who he is now because of the necklace in relation to Klaus/Rebekah. That was a Stefan who chose to turn off his humanity switch and so he still allowed himself to care and feel. This Stefan with it forced off is a different bird. By having the necklace symbolize his hope (and us knowing that's tied into Rebekah), it's possibly about how Stefan realized that even with his Ripper persona intact he could still find someone(s) who loved him. Accept him fully for who he is, and something tells me that as much as Damon has never had that, Stefan hasn't had that as a vampire either. So that's the hope part ... but yeah, it's tied into that family unit he found with Rebekah ( ... )


Pt 2 mridul777 October 28 2011, 06:21:54 UTC
Jeremy..GAWD..what's wrong with that KID ( ... )


Re: Pt 2 arabian October 28 2011, 23:39:43 UTC
Jeremy..GAWD..what's wrong with that KID!!!

So damn much. Pig.

Need I remind him, HE was the one who sorta forced Bonnie to face her feelings for him, he was stubborn for them to happen, AND SHE lost most of her powers to bring HIM back from dead, she even said she LOVES him. WHAT HAPPENED!!!

EXACTLY! He pushed her for this relationship and then he pullst his crap? Grr.

The lack of Damon/Elena was prickling, but I am hopeful for the next episodes.

The only reason I'm happy about that is actually something I added after you responded (if you want to go back and read that bit, it's at the top of the write-up; I also added more about the Stefan/Elena equation). By making there be no overt connection to Elena in this episode and yet having it be an episode where Damon/redemption and him being the better man really shows that it is about DAMON choosing this, and not just doing it for Elena. :)

Pearl...that Lady is soo sexy!! When I heard Pearl will be back, I was so excited, I was on alert to finally see her after such long time ( ... )


vamplover85 October 28 2011, 06:22:05 UTC
Did you like Elena after this episode???? A lot of people hated her because she's not moving on from Stefan and she's not giving up hope, she's not going to do that cause she's that way no matter what, yeah the necklace still lives and I love what Damon said about it, "I'm never gonna hear the end of that damn necklace" lol I think she's trying to move on but she's still denying her feelings towards Damon and towards Stefan I think she's loving the past Stefan and can't help that maybe he's there. I agree on the "I love you" thing I think in the end she's saying that to him to get to where he needs to be and that's it, I think it's squashed right now with her. and at the end she said she wouldn't be in love with a ghost all her life, she get's that now. I don't know but I loved everything else, I cried when Anna found her mom and left with her. *sigh* and eh, Taylor Kinney is very gorgeous but eh...no. I don't get the hype even though he's dating Lady gaga lol. I like Caroine she's getting past her problems and moving on and she ( ... )


arabian October 28 2011, 23:43:47 UTC
Did you like Elena after this episode????

Of course. She was awesome.

A lot of people hated her because she's not moving on from Stefan and she's not giving up hope

Number one: Hello, that IS Elena. She doesn't give up, she's incredibly loyal. Damon/Elena fans should be DAMN happy about that aspect of her character or there would never be a Damon/Elena. As for her not giving up hope, uhm, did they not hear her last line to him? She basically said: You don't make the choice to stop this crap or I'm done, dude.

I think she's trying to move on

I don't think she is, and I don't think it would be in character were she to do so without giving it her all. She's lost SO MANY PEOPLE she loves, it's going to take longer than a few months before she gives up.

but she's still denying her feelings towards Damon

She's not denying her feelings for Damon anymore; she's just not discussing them, LOL!

Jeremy was a jerk that's all. He was Necrophilia it with AnnaWell, he was a jerk, but that was NOT necrophilia. Necrophilia is getting ( ... )


vamplover85 October 29 2011, 00:24:31 UTC
Well I didn't mind her, just of what I read she' has a lot of growing to do and she's not gonna do that if she holds on to the person that isn't there anymore. But she did say "I won't love a ghost for the rest of my life," so that's a stepping stone for her, and yeah that's right, she's not not wanting to say anything. ha. it's gonna take time but your right, that is her character, and well he was a jerk. But true, duh I forgot and the episode was alright for me, not my favorite but it was good, I teared up when the ghost went poof and Anna found her mom. *sigh* that scene was heart breaking!


silviakundera October 28 2011, 08:57:55 UTC
Yeah, I still ... I just don't get it. I do not get the Lexi love. Nope.
Me either. I really hope this is the end of her. DNW.

With the Jeremy/Vicky thing, my personal read of the situation is that Damon's compelling made him move past her death and put him at peace with losing her, so there wasn't that unfinished business that he had going on with Anna. Also, I feel like he should have more perspective now about his choices during the summer before S1/early S1... maybe it's just me, but I feel like he's got to look back on that now with different eyes. The whole dysfunctional clusterfuck that was Jeremy/Vicky looks less romantic when you're not always high, self-destructive, and drowning with grief about your parents. But I do see how some people feel it's continuity fail.


arabian October 28 2011, 23:47:09 UTC
Re: Lexi -- Me either. I really hope this is the end of her. DNW.

Ditto. Please let this be the last we see of her. Pretty, pretty please. With every appearance I like her less and less, and I was pretty unimpressed with her first go-round.

Re: Jeremy/Vicki vs Jeremy/Anna --

This was actually a really, really good take on it. I guess my only problem with this is that he *still* wanted to be with Vicki after he was with Anna, BUT, he'd also been in a healthy relationship with Bonnie so the complete unhealthiness with Vicki would definitely be more apparent. So yeah, that works. Thanks. :) He was still a total ass to Bonnie, though.


marble_rose October 28 2011, 09:20:47 UTC
*Sigh* I'm still waiting for acknowledgement from the peanut gallery that Stefan is actually worse than Damon. I know, it will never happen so stop dreaming.See, this is why I keep side-eyeing the compulsion aspect of Stefan's current storyline. I see so many people hand-waving everything that Stefan is doing/has done as not his fault because he's compelled. That only works to an extent. Stefan was already killing and assaulting people before he was compelled. And, sure, you can argue that it was justified because he was doing it out of love for Damon and to keep Klaus from discovering that Elena survived, but...is that really okay ( ... )


arabian October 28 2011, 23:56:32 UTC
FYI: I added a bit more to the top of the post about Damon/Alaric, Damon/Elena and Stefan/Elena/Rebekah/the necklace after you responded.

this is why I keep side-eyeing the compulsion aspect of Stefan's current storyline. I see so many people hand-waving everything that Stefan is doing/has done as not his fault because he's compelled. That only works to an extent. Stefan was already killing and assaulting people before he was compelled. And, sure, you can argue that it was justified because he was doing it out of love for Damon and to keep Klaus from discovering that Elena survived, but...is that really okay?No, it's not and that remains my big fear of this season. That all that he did while not under compulsion will be ignored and that is flat-out wrong. And comparatively Damon choosing Elena vs. Stefan choosing Elena as you did is totally on the money. I love this show like whoah! but this is one of those things that really does bug. I'd love to be sure that they will cover this, but alas, I think it's actually the opposite ( ... )


marble_rose October 29 2011, 07:41:27 UTC
Really, you got that it was ever his choice? It seems to me that it was ALWAYS Lexi's, which means that he's really, really, really messed up, folks! And this is something that *should* take longer than Elena's best years of her lifetime to help.

Well, I guess I always just assumed that Lexi was just a catalyst. Like, she would show up and make Stefan feel ashamed of himself and he would choose to be better with her help. It honestly took me by surprise that she had such brutal methods; I didn't realize that she literally forced him back on those rails.

And, see that I do disagree with because, well, as stated above -- it's never been ABOUT Elena, it's been about the struggle within himself that Elena's empathy and belief in him has brought to the fore. At least, that's how I've seen it.I think this is a little more of a grey area for me. I think I probably could've explained myself better. I don't think that the only reason Damon does good is because Elena wants him to. I think that there might have been a couple of times when ( ... )


arabian October 31 2011, 20:05:53 UTC

Well, I guess I always just assumed that Lexi was just a catalyst. Like, she would show up and make Stefan feel ashamed of himself and he would choose to be better with her help. It honestly took me by surprise that she had such brutal methods; I didn't realize that she literally forced him back on those rails.

Right, that's what I thought it was too. But the way things were phrased it seemed to me that Stefan NEVER made the decision himself, but that he'd fall off the bandwagon (from the last time Lexi tortured him) and she'd come back and re-torture him every time. Oy vey!

My real point is that it's unhealthy to have one person be the center of your world. Last season Damon didn't have much of a life outside of keeping Elena safe; he stood on the sidelines, loving her from a distance, and keeping her alive. He was all over the place last season, for understandable reasons. So, that's what I really meant by Damon's behavior being unhealthy at times.Well, I guess I don't see this much either because while Elena was obviously the ( ... )


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