Pick a show, pick a character

Mar 06, 2011 10:16

Give me a show, and I'll pick one character I'd remove from the cast and tell you why. Anyone of my flist, should have a good idea of the shows I watch. :)

ETA: Just an FYI, I'm not basing this on my like or dislike of actors or ships, but purely on the character.

meme, tv

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Comments 50

tinkabell007 March 6 2011, 15:40:53 UTC
Well, I would have gone with TBBT... but somehow I already know the answer to that one *gg*

So... I choose TVD :)


arabian March 6 2011, 17:00:22 UTC
Matt. The Damon/Elena shipper in me who gets annoyed with the Damon/Bonnie shippers would say Bonnie (plus the actress annoys the everlovin' bejesus out of me), but, I genuinely like Bonnie for the most part. I also get WHY she's done many of the things she's done in the past that annoyed. But Matt? Ugh, he's a dick. I still think that if Elena crooked her finger, he'd come running. And I still haven't forgiven him for how he treated Caroline at the beginning of this season. She almost died, dude. (Well, taking into account simply what he believes happened.) SHE. ALMOST. DIED! Near-death can definitely cause changes in a person and that Matt was not being even remotely understanding of that so soon after the incident was pretty darn crappy, if ya ask me ( ... )


eolivet March 6 2011, 17:45:07 UTC
(Woo hoo! :) We are kindred spirits in this, of course. Can't coast on the pretty on this show -- too many good-looking men that also have some kind of intrigue/intellect behind the eyes. One out of two doesn't cut it, Matt! ;)


arabian March 6 2011, 18:22:16 UTC
I thought of you when I wrote this, LOL! Now, with that said, I still do enjoy Matt mostly. I just see his flaws, and of all of the cast, he's the one I'd most be okay with losing. (Basically, I could deal with anyone but Damon, Elena, Caroline and Alaric going bye-bye.)


eolivet March 6 2011, 15:50:43 UTC
Ooh..."Glee." :)


arabian March 6 2011, 17:03:15 UTC
Hmm. Is Chord Overstreet a regular cast member now? I think so. If yeah, then DEFINITELY Sam. He brings nothing to the table and never has. He sucks just about every story he's in, and helped land my beloved Quinn in storyline Siberia. I have issues with so many characters, it's not even funny, but he's the one who I have issues with and find completely useless as well.

If he's not a regular cast member, I'll go with Tina. Despite how caricature-y I find most characters on this show, all of them have had moments of real-ness for me. Except for Tina. She's just a walking caricature, and other than her duet with Mercedes on "Dog Days are Over," I've literally never enjoyed one single moment of her onscreen.


eolivet March 6 2011, 17:47:36 UTC
Chord Overstreet/Mr. Taylor Swift (heh) is thankfully just a recurring cast member, but ITA that Sam is totally useless. If they need another male lead, may I suggest Blaine? He can't act very well, but he's an excellent singer and could pull off a believable duet with any of the glee club gals. :)

Good choice with Tina, though -- I honestly forget she exist, except when she's ogling Mike Chang's abs. ;p They're sweet, but...by herself, she's not much. :/


arabian March 6 2011, 18:23:33 UTC
Oh, dear, Blaine is so close to being dead to me. Yes, yes, Darren Criss can sing, but when he generally gets 1-2 songs PER EPISODE! and Diana has only had two songs ALL SEASON and they were both duets with Sam? Yeah, I'm not happy. I'm so tired of Blaine, Blaine, Blaine. Ugh!


boundaid March 6 2011, 15:52:57 UTC
The Vampire Diaries


boundaid March 6 2011, 15:53:21 UTC
Oops. Community.


arabian March 6 2011, 17:07:16 UTC
I'll be roasted, I'm sure, but Britta. I've never publicly stated my dislike of Britta, I don't think, because most (all?) of the Jeff/Annie fandom really try to make it clear that just because they adore Jeff/Annie, doesn't mean they don't adore Britta too. I don't. I've tried. There have been a moment here or there, but overall, I can not stand the character. I'll even take Pierce over her. She's judgmental, hypocritical, loud, obnoxious, tone-deaf in social interaction, annoying, two-faced, childish and I just find her incredibly unlikable. Except for the chemistry that Gillian Jacobs has with Donald Glover, I have no use for her.


boundaid March 6 2011, 18:31:35 UTC
No! I am so glad you voiced that. I actually fell out a little bit this season because it's not just Britta but the actress that rubs me the wrong way. I'll let the fandom roast me. I stand by my dislike. Ugh. So glad you actually said her!


jedi_of_urth March 6 2011, 16:05:13 UTC
Not a show, but Harry Potter.


arabian March 6 2011, 17:10:12 UTC
Ginny. Her point was to have a crush on Harry, nearly destroy the school, and then be Super!Duper!Awesome!Ginny. And she pretty much failed on all counts except for the second. I thought she was a flat, one-dimensional character no matter which incarnation J.K. Rowling wrote her in. And it's not even the Harry/Hermione shipper in me because while I'm not a Ron/Hermione fan AT ALL, I love Ron. And had Rowling paired Harry up with Luna, I could have dealt. Why? Because both Ron and Luna were well-conceived, well-written characters overall. Ginny? Hell to the no.


midnightblack07 March 7 2011, 01:34:34 UTC
I thought she was a flat, one-dimensional character no matter which incarnation J.K. Rowling wrote her in.

THIS x a million!!

I don't get the180 degree turn her personality took, and don't get when/how Harry developed feelings for her, I JUST DON'T GET HER CHARACTER/THAT PAIRING PERIOD.

I think the only times I've ever liked her were the times I read fics where she was paired with Draco Malfoy because I found the pairing intriguing and more often than not those fic writers gave her more personality/(plausable) character development than J.K.R ever did (love J.K.R, but Ginny was an epic fail IMO).

However, I will admit that much of my bitterness towards her does stem from my shipping Harry/Hermione and (if not Harry/Hermione then) Harry/Luna. I just feel that as the story's main protagonist, his romance should have had some kind of "epic" quality to it and him and Ginny just didn't =|


corusca March 6 2011, 16:14:11 UTC
Doctor Who!


arabian March 6 2011, 17:12:29 UTC
I can't think of one. I'm thinking of main characters and I love them all. Even Moffat's characters: Eleven, Rory, and to a lesser degree, but still, Amy. Heck, despite hating some of Moffat's writing of River, by the end of series five, I love her too. The only one I don't love is Jack, and I was convinced of the importance of his presence in the final arc of series one, so even him, I can't list.


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