'American Idol' Results

Mar 03, 2011 22:12

Well, we've got our results from the top 24.

Well, I'm obviously happy about Lauren and Casey making it through. However, I'm quite bummed that the three voices that I can't stand (Haley, Jacob and Paul) made it through. Ah well, I'll give them a shot each week, but I imagine I'll be exercising my FF button quite a bit.

Of the wildcard performances, I gotta say that Steven made a believer of me. He sounded fantastic. Ashthon and Kendra did nothing for me. Naima easily got the spot, in my opinion. Ashthon was better than Kendra, and since Naima made it through too, I'm okay with it. I was thrilled that my beautiful Jovanny Baretto got a chance to perform again, too bad I wasn't horribly impressed with his performance -- and I'm a fan. :( Robbie did really well, but I liked Stefano better and I'm SO glad he made it through.

I'm so very sad about Brett not getting another shot. :( I loved him so. He just picked a horrible song choice. I liked it enough simply because I loved him, but, man. So bummy. I also would have liked to see Tim Halperin and Rachel Zevita get another shot, but ah well. Honestly, I wish they had just called out the top ten and let all remaining fourteen sing and make the choice from that.

Some I like, some not so much, but what else is new on Idol?

american idol, tv, music, lauren alaina

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